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View Full Version : "New" to me workbench top - need some design help (gloat?)

Matt Day
10-09-2012, 9:33 PM
Though I used this benchtop for about 4 years in the past, it actually belonged to an old roommate and I left it at the house I rented in Virginia. It never had a real base to it - I used it "temporarily" sitting on top of a cabinet carcase which provide almost no rigidity. Shortly after I moved out, so did my roommate and he didn't take it with him. I had the opportunity this past weekend to "stop by" the old place and pick it up for a measly $100!

Dimensions are 2'-4" x 5'-2" and 3" thick maple. There is a Lee Valley twin screw vise mounted to the end of the bench, and a front vise on the long end.

Since my shop is a small basement one, I'll be using it as an outfeed table too. My TS/RT is only about 6' long, so even though the 5'-5" (length with vise) is kind of short, it will work for me.

I've never built a real bench before so I'm looking for some advice. I've been reading up a bit and found a lot of information on the BenchCrafted benches and I think I like the leg vise, but I'm not sure I should try to incorporate it in. As far as what kind of ww'er I am, I mainly use power tools and dabble in neander.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I should go about designing a bench with this top?


Stephen Cherry
10-09-2012, 10:25 PM
you suck.

Of course borrow a design. Two options, first is front legs even with the top, second is legs set back from the top. Do you want storage?