View Full Version : Freedom Pens

Michael Tucker
10-08-2012, 12:02 PM
Hello all,

As a way to get people to think about the Freedom Pen project (http://freedompens.org) here is a photo of the 10 pens that I am about to send to the project. In each bag, I have included the following note (along with my email address):

This pen, made out of Red Oak, is a very small gesture to let you know that we are thinking of you and that we thank you for your service to this country from the bottom our hearts.
Stay safe,
Susan and Mike Tucker

Jim Burr
10-08-2012, 3:14 PM
You're a good man Mike...those pens go a long way to bring a little bit of home to guys and gals along way from it. I got crazy a few months ago and made my sons platoon a bunch of pens. Still get "thank you sir" texts frequently from happy marines.