View Full Version : Desmond Stephan W10 Woodworking Vise

Todd Burch
10-08-2012, 10:53 AM
I've acquired a Desmond Stephan Mfg, Co. (Urbana, Ohio) woodworking vise. I was going to resell it, but I have decided to keep it. I did a rehab to it (disassembled, sandblasted, painted and polished). I don't have any pictures right now, but will later.

I've searched quite a bit for this model on the net, but can only find references to the 7" model (W7 W-7). This is a W10 10" model. Very beefy. This is a quick action vise and the handle does not even spin a full revolution. All the way counterclockwise and push in or pull out, then turn clockwise and tighten. And, it has a stop (dog) as well help in position with a piece of spring steel (similar to a Record 53). This is a bit heavier than the Record though.

I really liked the original color (a darker grey with a dark blue/blue-green cast), but settled with a charcoal grey from the HD spray paint department.

Anyone else have one of these?


Todd Burch
10-08-2012, 3:59 PM
Here are some after pictures. I can post a before picture after I resurrect my Mac Pro from the grave due to a bad graphics card (I think I have a before picture, anyway).

Peter Quinn
10-08-2012, 9:46 PM
That is a beauty. I have no info about it other than it looks and sounds exactly like the current large Jorgenson vice, quick action and all. Perhaps Jorgenson acquired Desmond Stephan Mfg? Every detail is so similar its curious. Nice restoration.

Bruce Page
10-08-2012, 10:32 PM
Nice rehab. Now all you need is one of these.. http://www.lie-nielsen.com/catalog.php?grp=1304

Todd Burch
10-08-2012, 10:41 PM
Yeah, I have one already, just didn't take a picture of it. Not a LN though. I bought a replacement handle for one of my Emmerts some time ago, but didn't like it, so I made one out of curly maple. I'm using the bought one on this vise.

So, call me over the top... but it will be awhile before I'm able to mount this vise to a bench, so I'm making a box for it for storage. 3/4" birdseye pine, finger jointed box, marigold yellow milk paint on the inside and out, and the bottom and lid are scrap cherry ply, so those surfaces are getting BLO. I'll varnish the whole thing when done.

But it will look nice, and be useful afterwards too. :rolleyes:

Von Bickley
10-09-2012, 10:18 AM
Great looking vise. I'm sure it will serve you well for many years.

Todd Burch
10-11-2012, 10:45 AM
The box is complete. Now, I can store the vise and box until further notice.

I really like how the marigold yellow and cherry go together. For the birdseye pine box, it's 2 coats of milk paint, inside and out. The lid was one coat of BLO, then both pieces got 3 coats of Pratt & Lambert 38 - satin, followed by a coat of paste wax. The color in the 2nd picture is best representative of the lid color - the first pic has a blue cast due to a reflection. The 1/4" cherry ply has been in the shop for a while and had darkened up nicely already.

edit: The unfinished ply inside the box is what the vise rests on. Otherwise, the vise never touches the box itself when sitting. (When carrying, it bumps around a bit). The ply is not fastened to the box.

Thanks for looking! A fun project. Nice to do something quick and small like this and get the satisfaction feeling!

(Oh, I wrote my name and date with a black paint pen. I bought a set recently and I'm going bananas marking everything. I wrote on top the milk paint and under the varnish.)

Todd Burch
10-12-2012, 4:24 PM
Mac is working again - here are the before pics.

243050 243049 243048

End of thread.

Vinnie Lopez
09-17-2014, 7:46 AM
I just picked up the same vise from a local retired woodworking teacher I paid $30.00 for it. I need to get it cleaned up like your vise nice work!

Todd Burch
09-17-2014, 9:05 AM
Let's see some pics!

Vinnie Lopez
09-08-2015, 6:04 AM
I just started rehab on mine it's in the electrolysis tank now getting some rust off. Unfortunately I didn't take before pics! Kind of mad at myself. I will repaint it but will take pics before I do and after.

Vinnie Lopez
09-08-2015, 6:15 AM
320994Here's the vice in the tank

Todd Burch
09-08-2015, 10:05 AM
Hey Vinnie… it's been almost a year since you've claimed to have one. And, now you post a picture of a some slime in murky water…??? ;)

Looking forward to some REAL pictures. Todd

Vinnie Lopez
09-08-2015, 11:42 AM
Lol it's been a while life got in the way. I'll put up more pics tonight when I finish getting her cleaned up. I'm not going as detailed as you did on your restoration but it will be nice

Vinnie Lopez
09-08-2015, 12:22 PM
321016Some progress

Vinnie Lopez
09-08-2015, 2:34 PM
Todd I think I lost a part what was on the end of the spring? was there some kind of pin with a flat head?

Vinnie Lopez
09-08-2015, 9:21 PM
321063 Here it is this is as far as I want to take it with this vise

Todd Burch
09-17-2015, 11:27 AM
Looks good Vinnie! Did you add any grease the front dog?

I don't recall what my spring looks like. Vise is still packed away. (3 years later)


Todd Davidson
05-08-2017, 7:43 PM
I don't know how I originally missed this thread (or its two subsequent resurrections) but only found it today searching for info on my Desmond Stephan Woodworking Vise. I see Vinnie has not been around in awhile, but Todd still is.... So.....

Todd - or anybody else that has one of these vises - How do you like the vise? What do you think about W10's style of quick release?

I'm trying to decide between keeping my W10 or selling it and going with a Record 53 (the only woodworking vise IMHO that may be a notch above the W10)....

Todd Burch
05-17-2017, 4:02 PM
The answer is simple. Keep both. lol

I still have not mounted my vise. It's still in that same box, up on a shelf.

I have a Record 53 (or two) also waiting to be mounted.

Darrell Veitch
09-21-2024, 1:41 PM
My Desond Stephens W10 is currently inoperative, and probably scrap or parts if I cannot find the right part. I need the quick release gear? thread block? If anyone has any ideas of where to find one, I would be greatly appreciative. I'll post some pics soon.