View Full Version : Crochet hook handle

Jerry Lawrence
10-06-2012, 9:12 PM
My sister asked me if I could make a wooden handle for her crochet hook. Apparently it makes holding the hook easier for people with arthritis. Simple and basic, but pretty and functional too!

If you want to see the long involved process I go through to make the stock, please see my thread here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?192489-Visit-to-the-wood-guy
Thanks for looking!

Bernie Weishapl
10-06-2012, 9:16 PM
Looks good Jerry. My sister wanted me to make her some and some seam rippers.

Baxter Smith
10-06-2012, 9:49 PM
Pretty neat. I looked at your other thread earlier today. Lots of work for something so little but you probably have a few more pieces!

Kathy Marshall
10-06-2012, 11:17 PM
Looks great Jerry! I'm sure your sister will love it.