View Full Version : HELP Dust Collection for Those with breathing problems

Hilel Salomon
10-06-2012, 8:18 AM
A few days ago, I ran into a fellow turner who is quite accomplished. He lamented that he would have to quit because his emphysema had gotten worse. Some time ago, I saw an article where a turner took a plastic oil barrel, cut it in half or 2/3 and put it over his lathe. Can anyone tell me where this article is, so that I can pass it along to my friend. As I remember, the author said that dust had ceased to be a problem for him.



Steve Schlumpf
10-06-2012, 9:08 AM
Hilel - I remember Reed Gray had a thread on his sanding drum and even posted a video of it. I just found the thread and it looks like he removed the video... so PM him for details. Here is the original thread: Sanding Hood (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?174683-Sanding-hood&highlight=)

Rick Markham
10-06-2012, 9:26 AM
Sounds like a PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator) would be another important consideration. The use of both Reed's sanding drum, and a PAPR would be the most ideal option.

Michelle Rich
10-06-2012, 9:27 AM
check out the website called Lumberjocks..within the last day or two a fella posted a unit ..lots of pictures so you can see what he made

Fred Belknap
10-06-2012, 10:07 AM
I am elderly and wood dust effected me pretty bad. I got a Trend Air Pro several months ago and it has worked great for me.

Reed Gray
10-06-2012, 12:18 PM
My video clip is still up on You Tube, type in robo hippy. The sanding hood, with a good dust collector allows me to sand without a dust mask. It is important to have most of the bowl, or whatever inside the hood so nothing escapes. I have set it up around my mini lathe for when I am using it, and it captures all dust. Having a good mask is another option. The positive pressure dust masks (powered fan with a filter behind it) will keep you from inhaling any dust. Great if you are bearded as regular masks do not seal around the hair/fur/pelt. Most of the time, other than sanding, dust is not a problem as I love sloppy wet wood.

robo hippy

Steve Schlumpf
10-06-2012, 12:31 PM
Thanks Reed... for those interested, here is the direct link to Reed's video: Bowl Sanding Hood (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZsVc7qVx7A)

Doug Herzberg
10-06-2012, 4:03 PM
What an awesome site this is. Just over four hours from problem stated to problem solved (hopefully). Jim Burr may know more about this, but a lot of medical devices like CPAP machines have O2 ports. If your friend is already on O2, perhaps it could be combined with a powered respirator like the Trend AS Pro or the kind with an auxiliary fan and hose connected to the headset.

Hilel Salomon
10-06-2012, 4:03 PM
Thanks Steve, Reed, Michelle, Fred and Rick in reverse order. I would agree with Rick that a combination of the drum and a papr such as the Trend Pro would be ideal. I'll pass these along to my friend. Again, the Forum comes to the rescue.


Hilel Salomon
10-06-2012, 4:05 PM
Thanks also Doug. My thank you post and yours went in simultaneously.


Jim Burr
10-06-2012, 7:49 PM
There are several hundred...or at least 10 other considerations to keep your lungs clean in the shop. Although some fair to weak ideas show up here, the popular vote is to take minimum precautions. I would advocate to the "protect thy self and you need education" standpoint.Turners fall into two categories... Ignorance/Arrogance..."I'm to stupid to wear a face shield...I'm better than everyone else" category. In my job, figure your life out. If you're that stupid to not "shield up"...I'll give you the same care and thought you used to protect yourself. As a side note...does your friend have a family he’d like to see for a while? Arrogance and ignorance are the only reasons woodworkers do not care for themselves...more of them need families.