View Full Version : Another WTF question

Joe McMahon
10-05-2012, 2:14 PM
I have read here that applying dewaxed shellac prior to using WTF will make the wood pop. I just applied a thin coat of shellac. My question is, how long should I wait before starting the WTF?

TIA, Joe

Kyle Iwamoto
10-05-2012, 3:31 PM
Currently, due to the number of the WTF questions, I'm running a small experiment on WTF/WOP and shellac. I have a scrap piece of koa, and have all 3 products on it. Koa may be a bad choice as a wood, since it's dark and already quite beautiful as is. But, I have only 4 coats of each on the test piece, and to be honest, there is very little differnce in the finish between the 3 products. I'd post a pic, but since there is so very little difference, it would really be a waste of time. (And I have a hard time posting, since my camera takes 10 meg pics and the site doesn't like it) I originally chose the koa since I was thinking it would make the differences between the products stand out.
Test: Spindle piece. I sanded to 320, 2 coats of product, sanded again with 320, another 2 coats. I stopped at 4 coats, since the following coats will just be filling pores. I did not buff either, since that would be a test on the finish shine versus what the finishes do for the appearance of the wood. I can post a pic, if someone can tell me how to reduce the size of the pic so I can get it posted.

Perhaps someone can do a test run on maple or some light colored wood?

My opinion on your question is that shellac dries pretty fast, as does WTF. I guess 30 minutes dry time?

Bernie Weishapl
10-05-2012, 11:07 PM
Joe I let the shellac dry for about a hour depending on heat. If it is fairly warm in my shop a hour is good. If it is cool which it can get sometimes I will let it dry longer but normally when it is about 72 to 78 in the shop a hour later I apply WTF or waterbased lacquer or poly. Haven't had a problem.

Bill Boehme
10-06-2012, 12:45 AM
Well, I go on a walkabout for a couple years and when I return to the Creek there are suddenly new abbreviations and acronyms flying around that are unfamiliar to me. I am familiar with phrases for the two mentioned abbreviations that don't quite seem to fit into this context given the civil discourse on this forum, so I must ask ...??

Kathy Marshall
10-06-2012, 1:20 AM
Well, I go on a walkabout for a couple years and when I return to the Creek there are suddenly new abbreviations and acronyms flying around that are unfamiliar to me. I am familiar with phrases for the two mentioned abbreviations that don't quite seem to fit into this context given the civil discourse on this forum, so I must ask ...??
WTF = General WoodTurners Finish
WOP = Wipe On Polyurathane (Poly)

Joe McMahon
10-06-2012, 9:35 AM
It is kind of cool hedre so I ended letting it dry overnight. Thanks for the replies.

Tim Leiter
10-06-2012, 11:28 AM
Bill, I have the same issue. Although I have seen the acronym WTF many, many times and know what the poster is referring to, the other acronym exactly like that POPs into my mind. :eek:

Eric Gourieux
10-06-2012, 1:58 PM
I have the same challenge with pics. I have to load them on my computer, edit, crop and resize. Under "resize", I choose the option to resize for the web and choose the "small" option. Give it a try.