View Full Version : Hi Everybody!

Steve krum
10-03-2012, 6:57 AM
I use to visit here but that was several years ago so I guess this is a new start. Saw some names I recognize from a couple other forums. Anyway, I posted this in the turning forum as that's my main interest at this stage. I've been "seriously" turning for fun for just over a year and have lots to learn.


Mike Cruz
10-03-2012, 7:52 AM
First thing you'll learn here, Steve, is that WE LOVE PICS!!!!!!!! :D So, post some pics of stuff you've turned. If you want C&C, most are happy to give you honest opinions. If you want attaboys, don't ask for critique. Usually that simple. Personally, while I like hearing how people like something I've done as much as the next guy, I know I won't grow without the help of others. So, for me, posting pics of something I've turned is a way to learn and grow. Not everyone wants that, though. Not everyone can handle brutal honesty from opinionated "artists". ;) So, make sure you are clear! ;) Looking forward to seeing your turnings.

Roger Chandler
10-03-2012, 9:12 AM
Welcome back to the creek, Steve...........like Mike said.........we love pics! :)

Steve krum
10-03-2012, 12:27 PM
First thing you'll learn here, Steve, is that WE LOVE PICS!!!!!!!! :D So, post some pics of stuff you've turned.

Alright, since you asked here you go. Kind of a mishmash of stuff I've done over the past year. Some apple wood, maple, walnut, and cherry. The tallest thing is spalted Sycamore.

I really got into turning bowls at first, or trying to anyway. More recently I've concentrated on honing my technique on spindles although I don't really have any pictures of that, most of it goes down as practice and helps heat the great outdoors.

One thing I've got to tell. I picked up a massive bowl scraper at a garage this weekend. About 3/8" thick, 1-1/2" wide with a metal handle. I had never seen anything like it. A fellow on another forum told me it might be from Jerry Glaser whom I wasn't familiar with. I did send the company a picture and they confirmed it's their tool. They also noticed a safety pin missing and are sending that to me free of charge! How cool is that?


Darren Jamieson
10-03-2012, 12:42 PM
Welcome aboard. The bowls all look real nice. You will probably here comments about shape, thickness, and of course picture quality but those are the things to be expected. I used to post on a different site and you would have 300 veiws and one comment. Here you will get some real good honest feed back and if your like me that is what your looking for. Having young kids my life is to busy to get out to a local club so this is my club and what is said is how I try to learn. Without seeing individual pictures it is hard to comment but remember we are all individual and all see things differently. If you have only been turning for a year I would say they all look great!

Mike Cruz
10-03-2012, 2:46 PM
Yup, I'll agree with Darren on a number of things. For turning for only a year, those look great! Some don't turn that well after turning much longer. But without close ups, it is hard to give any C&C...if that is what you want. And I'll also second that opinions are like ____, everyone's got one, and nobody's is the "right" one for everyone. Keep posting turnings, and dive right into the conversations!

Steve krum
10-03-2012, 3:03 PM
Yup, I'll agree with Darren on a number of things. For turning for only a year, those look great! Some don't turn that well after turning much longer. But without close ups, it is hard to give any C&C...if that is what you want. And I'll also second that opinions are like ____, everyone's got one, and nobody's is the "right" one for everyone. Keep posting turnings, and dive right into the conversations!

Just so I don't mislead anyone I'd like to clarify what I meant to say. I said I've been "seriously" turning for fun for about a year. That wasn't the first time I'd seen a lathe. I like to restore old furniture and in years past if I needed a spindle I would turn it. That pretty much amounted to using a spindle roughing gouge, a round nose scraper, and a WHOLE lot of sandpaper. But I have turned for a awhile.


Allan Ferguson
10-03-2012, 3:06 PM
Welcome aboard.

Bernie Weishapl
10-03-2012, 9:50 PM
Welcome back to SMC.

Steve Schlumpf
10-03-2012, 11:41 PM
Steve - Welcome to the Creek! Looking forward to getting to know you!

Bill Boehme
10-04-2012, 12:12 AM
Welcome back to the Creek, Steve. We've been waiting on you to come back. Sometimes I stray away from the Creek for a while, but I always manage to find my way back.

Kathy Marshall
10-04-2012, 12:59 AM
Those look great Steve!
Welcome back to the Creek and looking forward to seeing more of your turnings!