View Full Version : sunburst

Michelle Rich
10-02-2012, 7:37 AM
This copper & cherry wall hanging was great fun to make. I made one like it a few years ago and it sold before I had it off the lathe! I loved it so much I wanted one for my "braggin" wall at home. So this is the result. The cherry was set out in the sun to get the glorious color and then a light coat of varnish . Large, about 10 inches in diameter.

Doug W Swanson
10-02-2012, 7:41 AM
Love the color. That's a beautiful piece!

Steve Schlumpf
10-02-2012, 8:08 AM
I like it! Great job on all that carving!

Roger Chandler
10-02-2012, 8:58 AM
And the hits just keep on coming! Another beauty, Michelle!

Bob Bergstrom
10-02-2012, 9:07 AM
I can see why it was sold before it came off the lathe. This piece is exceptionally desirable. Great vision and workmanship in bringing it to a reality!

Alan Trout
10-02-2012, 9:12 AM

That is an awesome wall hanging.


Doug Herzberg
10-02-2012, 9:30 AM
Exquisite. Love the patina of the copper with the sun-darkened cherry.

Tim Rinehart
10-02-2012, 9:37 AM
Very aptly named. This is a fine piece for any braggin' wall...that's for sure!

Rick Markham
10-02-2012, 9:43 AM
Fantastic Michelle, love the copper center!

Peter Fabricius
10-02-2012, 9:59 AM
That is a wonderful piece. It looks like there are 48 Routed grooves to make the sunburst? Do you have a horizontal jig for routing these out?
I am curious because my Son asked me to make a Springerle rolling pin with 12 squares around a 7" long rolling pin and I had to cut horizontal grooves.
Naturally, I made a platform for the trim router to slide on and cut the grooves....
I really like the piece.
Peter F.

Russell Eaton
10-02-2012, 10:18 AM
Michelle I think you have a winner! Well done.

Michelle Rich
10-02-2012, 10:24 AM
peter: I understand how you did a spindle orientation on your lathe..that jig has been around for ages. My question for you, on the horizontal, how would you index a piece well enough for a router? To be as precise as this piece is? Have you seen the MicroFence? Google it up...indexing would still be an issue , I would think.

Bernie Weishapl
10-02-2012, 11:19 AM
Beautiful piece Michelle and really nice wood color.

Scott Hackler
10-02-2012, 3:19 PM
Very nice and in my opinion, one of your best pieces. I like the center piece in this one. It really mates well with the fluting and color.

Peter Fabricius
10-02-2012, 3:59 PM
Hi Michelle;
A picture is the best way to show you what I made for Horizontal lines. This pic shows the unit running along the spindle (rolling pin) but if I turn the base across the Lathe bed then this will also cut across the face of a platter to make grooves like you used on the Sunburst. My Nova DVD XP has accurate 24 pin indexing.
I hope this answers your question. I did not see the relevance of the Micro Fence plunge base for the trim router?