View Full Version : 15" planer recommendations

Rich Riddle
10-01-2012, 6:02 PM
What 15" planer would you folks recommend? I am planning to upgrade from an lunchbox style to a stationary planer. I already have a good 8" pointer and will likely never need anything beyond it's capability. Thanks.

glenn bradley
10-01-2012, 6:26 PM
I have enjoyed the Grizzly G0453Z but, that is my only long term floor machine experience. Do prepare yourself that a larger machine is not a finish-planer. With some small effort I have mine adjusted to where it only leave outfeed roller marks on softer woods. A near-ready surface is not the design of these machines but, with a little alteration in your methods, they can get very close. I added a digital readout as I had become adjusted to using one with my lunchbox. I didn't have time to fool with a used machine and this is the same time proven, although basic, design used by several "makers" in this range of machine although the price-point swings a bit wild sometimes :).

Rich Riddle
10-01-2012, 6:52 PM

Thank you for the warning concerning these machines not being finish planers. I do have a Jet 16 32 Sander that I could send the finished products through after the planing. I just envisioned this being a finish planer sort of thing. By the way, what is the difference between the Polar Bear products Grizzly makes and the green ones besides the color?

Paul McGaha
10-01-2012, 7:22 PM
Hi Rich,

I have a Powermatic 15HH planer. It's a good planer. It will leave a beautiful finish. It just can't take a super light cut like a benchtop planer can.

I guess there's a small learning curve between using a benchtop machine or a full size planer. Or at least there was for me.

With whichever manufacturer you choose, and Grizzly has great pricing on their machines, I'd suggest you do get a helical head. Outstanding quality of cut and you won't believe how quiet it is. The dust collector is louder.

Good luck with it.


Stephen Cherry
10-01-2012, 7:31 PM
Most of the older 15 inch machines were made in Tiawan, before they went to the mainland, and are available for about 500 bucks. I'd like to have a byrd head in mine, but the knives do give a good cut, just takes some time to change them. I would avoid the current offering for personal reasons.

Cary Falk
10-02-2012, 7:18 AM
I have the G0453z (spiral head). As far a fit and finish goes,it is not up to the fit and finish level as the rest of the sleuth of Grizzly tools. It may be that is is from China and the rest are from Taiwan. I got beat up last time for saying my G1023RL and G0513x2 were flawless so I will say they are really really go and the planer is ok. nothing serious. The bed had some very minor scratches and chipping paint and the table elevation crank wheel is not quite drilled square so it doesn't quite spin true. It doesn't affect the operaation and had not botered me enough to replace it. The crankcase leaked oil, which I replaced with a tube of that blue silcone type gasket in a tube for about 5 bucks.

I have had it for 2 years. Around Feb. this year I was pushing it too hard I guess and blew a cap in the motor. It kept blowing caps so I replaced with a Taiwan motor from Grizzly. The 1 year Grizzly warrenty was up but my Discover card added another year so they footed the bill for the motor. Grizzly was very helpful getting the paperwork(letter explaining the bad motor and that I purchased a replacement for the planer) I needed to file a claim to Discover.

Am I a little disappointed with the motor? Yes. Would I buy from Grizzly again? Absolutely! Am I stupid? Maybe. Every company is going to have problems. Customer Service was great throught the whole thing. Even if I had to pay for the motor by myself, I would still be money ahead compared to the cost of everybody else. The rest of my Grizzly tool have been great. Aside from the motor problem, the planer works great. The finish from the spiral head is great. As mentioned it is a different animal than a lunchbox planer. I had to adjust the feed roller marks out. I have got most of them out even in soft wood.

My motor problem is the only one I have heard of with the G0453. Weigh the $$$ risks if something goes wrong and see if it is worth it. The 5 year warranty with Jet is nice but it comes at a hefty cost. Something can go wrong with any tool at any given day. You hear more about Grizzly because they sell more tools.

What's the difference between Grizzly an Polar Bear? Not much. The paint and a few different knobs here and there. We were told but the President that the price was less because of Introductory pricing. I think most of the white tools are still slightly cheaper then the green ones. I boutght the green planer because it was slightly cheaper at the time because of a sale. I don't particularly care for the White ones anyway

glenn bradley
10-02-2012, 8:59 AM
Glenn, By the way, what is the difference between the Polar Bear products Grizzly makes and the green ones besides the color?

According to Shiraz Balolia, just the paint.

Mark Ashmeade
10-02-2012, 10:46 AM
... I don't particularly care for the White ones anyway

Interesting. I can't stand the green! I'd probably have more Grizzly tools if the paint job wasn't so ugly. My G0513P bandsaw invites me to use it, it's a great tool, and such a difference from the 14" RIDGID it replaced. Big green planer? No thanks. Not that my PM15S is a pretty thing, but mustard is a bit more bearable than off-green.

Gregory King
10-02-2012, 10:55 AM
Thanks Cary, good evaluation. I was waiting for the next sale on this planer as I will purchase my first Grizzly tool. Takes me a long time to make a decision. I still may try for a three pack including an 8"spiral planer and good dust collector. Not sure what kind of deal , I may get. Maybe a tad savings on the shipping. One can only try. Greg P.S. Not to sidetrack this thread, but I looked at a used [15 year old] Model 130 General, 14"/ 3-knife system last week for $1100 bucks. Had a three phase motor which I looked at replacing with a new single phase , and was told the General price on that item would be $500. Enough time wasted, the Grizzly is coming home.

David Kumm
10-02-2012, 11:07 AM
Greg, that General was a steal. You can put a vfd on it for under 250. The 130 was the best small planer made- period. Worth about 5 new ones in terms of build quality. Don't know the condition but nice ones don't lose much value anymore as they are so rare and so high quality. Dave

Gregory King
10-02-2012, 12:44 PM
Dave, when I went to look at it, I fully expected to be able to put a piece of wood thru it to see and hear it run. However, it has been sitting in his basement [no 3-phase power available] for 4 years. As well, I definitely want the spiral type cutter head. Well before long, I will have 2000 + bucks into a planer that I'm still not sure how the gears mesh as well. The old pig in the bag cliche, so to speak. I will make one more call this week to see if he has sold. If not, I will make a counter offer in the range of $800 bucks. No question, they are a tremondous planer. Stay tuned , Greg

Cary Falk
10-02-2012, 1:01 PM
Interesting. I can't stand the green! I'd probably have more Grizzly tools if the paint job wasn't so ugly. My G0513P bandsaw invites me to use it, it's a great tool, and such a difference from the 14" RIDGID it replaced. Big green planer? No thanks. Not that my PM15S is a pretty thing, but mustard is a bit more bearable than off-green.

I hate mustard as a color and a condiment.:D I was never fond of their gold either. I think Jet looks the niceses with the cream, black, and red. The Grizzly cream with the green trim just doesn't look right to me. I wasn't a fan of the Green at first but it took over the garage and I have gotten used to it. Funny how that happens.

David Kumm
10-02-2012, 1:25 PM
Greg, I hear you and used isn't for everyone. I did put a Byrd on my little DC 33 and like it but given a choice I'd take a General in good condition, live with it until I was sure I needed a spiral and then upgrade what is the Mercedes of small planers. After seeing Felder's new spiral I think even the Byrd will get better and be modified to deliver the same cut with less power usage in the future. Dave