View Full Version : WTF questions

Brian Brown
09-28-2012, 11:12 PM
I like WTF for its fast drying and the build up of finish, but it doesn't give the depth that an oil finish does. It seems to have a bit of a milky look, and appears to sit above the wood. I like the depth of the oil finishes when they penetrate the wood, but they take forever to dry, and need a lot of coats to build up to a point where they can be steel wooled and buffed. Has anyone tried using WTF finish over the top of an oil based finish? I tried one time to put the WTF over the top of Minwax tung oil finish, and it just beaded up. If you have had success with WTF over oil, what kind of oil did you use, and did it bead up? Did the WTF adhere well to the oil? Any other suggestions for success?

Eric Gourieux
09-29-2012, 12:25 AM
i have been using BLO for the "pop" , then shellac, then WTF. It seems to work pretty well..

Bernie Weishapl
09-29-2012, 12:40 AM
If I use antique oil I always use shellac then WTF. I find a coat or two of shellac makes it adhere.

Michelle Rich
09-29-2012, 6:21 AM
Brian..always think Shellac..when you have any question, shellac is the answer! It's non-toxic and so very very useful.

Thom Sturgill
09-29-2012, 8:16 AM
I have used WTF over Walnut tinted Danish Oil where I wanted just a hint of color. Dried fine, but I only used two very light coats of oil. The item below has three coats of WTF over the entire piece. The bell has DO over everything except the knot (applied with small brush)