View Full Version : Sharpening carbide saw blades with eze-lap hone?

Floyd Cox
09-27-2012, 6:13 AM
I have been looking at the Eze-lap diamond hones for touching-up my blades and was wondering id any of you have had any success with this?


Paul Murphy
09-27-2012, 8:32 AM
I wouldn't want to try it, a 40T blade can be properly sharpened for ~$8.50 + shipping. I also wouldn't want to risk dubbing the edges on such a small surface. I might try it on a router bit, but even there the value is questionable with sharpening about $4.00.

scott spencer
09-27-2012, 9:01 AM
I wouldn't attempt to sharpen or hone any precision blade, and cheap blades generally aren't worth bothering with.

Floyd Cox
09-27-2012, 9:45 AM
I wouldn't want to try it, a 40T blade can be properly sharpened for ~$8.50 + shipping. I also wouldn't want to risk dubbing the edges on such a small surface. I might try it on a router bit, but even there the value is questionable with sharpening about $4.00.

I can’t find anywhere around here to sharpen blades, where can I sent them off to?

Tom Scott
09-27-2012, 10:18 AM
I think it could be done, but not sure I would for a table saw blade. I recently had to drill 100 1-5/8" diameter holes into end grain (don't ask). I sharpened my carbide-tipped forstner bit about 5 times with those diamond hones. It was quick and got me back working without sending out.

Paul Murphy
09-27-2012, 1:01 PM
Try these folks: http://dynamicsaw.com/

I hear lots of folks like to ship via usps flat-rate boxes, but I still ship via UPS as I am comfortable with their tracking/insurance.

Tom Walz
09-27-2012, 6:25 PM
I tried it once just to see what happened. I took a DMT coarse and worked on it until I got tired and bored. I think I polished it a bit but never made any real difference.

I have read about guys who do it but I believe you need a pretty diamond block. The DMT and EZE LAP I have are great for pocket knives.

Brian Jarnell
09-27-2012, 9:17 PM
I can’t find anywhere around here to sharpen blades, where can I sent them off to?
Your nearest city via google should find one!

Stephen Cherry
09-27-2012, 10:18 PM