View Full Version : kapex saw blades

Bernie Kopfer
09-26-2012, 7:52 PM
I am considering a kapex saw purchase and was wondering if any other blade manufacturers provide a good replacement blade for this saw. In particular does Forrest make a blade that fits? Can't seem to find any on their website.
Thanks ahead for your input.

Victor Robinson
09-26-2012, 8:08 PM
I have a Kapex though I've not bought any replacement blades yet. Forrest and Tenryu both make 30mm bore blades. The Tenryu Silencer series is around $90 and the Forrest is $150+. You can also get standard sawblades re-bored if you have a local place that can do that.

Depending on your application, you might consider the Oshlun blades for the Kapex ($40 on AMZ), which I plan on ordering one of these days. They seem to get decent reviews and allow you to save your better (Festool/Forrest/Tenryu) blades for the good stuff. Also a good option if you want a cheaper blade for aluminum cutting ($50).

Jeff Monson
09-26-2012, 9:23 PM
Good question Bernie, I'd like to try something a little less expensive for my Kapex, I bought a new Festool blade last spring, it was $115.00. I need to send my original in and have it sharpened. I thought I read somewhere that Freud had a blade for the Kapex.

Victor Robinson
09-27-2012, 1:43 AM
Tenryu SL-25572F Silencer-Series 10" X 72T for Kapex $90 tenryusawblades dot com

Forrest Chopmaster CM26905105 90T $165 forrestsawbladesonline dot com

Oshlun SBFT-260080 (80T) $56 Amazon

Oshlun SBFT-260060 (60T) $47 Amazon

Oshlun SBFT-260068A (68T non-ferrous) $50 Amazon

The Forrest and Tenryu blades would of course be expected to be top-notch. The Oshluns are probably more application-dependent to notice a quality difference, but at one-third of the price are awful tempting.

Bernie Kopfer
09-27-2012, 8:38 AM
Wow!The Chopmaster is expensive but like the Kapex you only regret it once,
Thank you all for the info.

Matt Meiser
09-27-2012, 8:44 AM
I've got one of the Oshlun blades on my TS55 and it has turned out to be a good blade--in fact I never took it back off after putting it on to test. I wouldn't hesitate to try their other blades given the price.

scott spencer
09-27-2012, 8:59 AM
I've never tried an Oshlun blade on a Kapex, but those that I've tried on a TS or circular saw have been pretty decent....surprisingly good for the price.

Craig Shilling
09-27-2012, 7:41 PM
I have a Forrest Chopmaster ATB-R 105 KREF 80T bored to 30MM by Forrest on my Kapex that cost $151.30 shipped to my door. I have two Festool blades that I had sharpened by Leitz Tooling Sys.( Festools sawblade supplier) with only a few cuts that I am going to sell and buy another Forrest. I have used Forrest blades on several saws and like them a lot. I'm sure there are many quality blades on the market, but I just have gotten use to calling Charles at Forrest Blades and he seems to always know what I need.

Mike Metz
09-27-2012, 7:43 PM
i have the 80 tooth oshlun blade on my kapex, cuts great and smooth..

Matt Meiser
10-30-2012, 9:26 AM
I ordered one of the 80T Oshlun blades to try on mine. Depending on how it compares it may live on the saw with the 60T factory blade as my 2nd blade.