View Full Version : Banksia Peppermill

Tim Rinehart
09-25-2012, 11:41 AM
I’ve only made one other peppermill a couple years ago, but I got the bug after several recent local demos. I’ve had the mechanisms in a drawer for some time along with this idea for the past couple years to make one from a banksia pod, I just never cleared time for it…and I have more than a couple hours in this one.

I do spend a bit of time cleaning out and opening the back side of the ‘eyes’, so losing peppercorns and leaving them prone to absorbing moisture was an issue I resolved by lining the inside with acrylic tubing. I also added a feature at the top that allows salt to be stored and dispensed out the head of the mill.

Banksia pod, African Blackwood, Walnut. 10.5” overall height. C&C welcome and appreciated.

Norm Zax
09-25-2012, 11:43 AM
Thats a nice one! ... and smart solution for sealing the inner volume.

David DeCristoforo
09-25-2012, 11:55 AM
Excellent mill. Very unexpected use of the pod. Nicely done!

Jim Adkins
09-25-2012, 12:21 PM
Tim....Thats really nice, was this turned from one pod or did you stack them? I see the walnut top & bottom but am wondering
about the "in-between" banksia pod. Anyway, this is real different, you did good.

Doug W Swanson
09-25-2012, 12:53 PM
Tim, nice looking pepper mill. I would never have thought to use a Banksia pod for that. Turned out great!

Tim Rinehart
09-25-2012, 1:00 PM
Norm and Dave, glad you guys like it! I really like working with the pods, and recently gave a couple local demos on them. I hated them when I first tried turning them, but have warmed up to them since then.

Tim....Thats really nice, was this turned from one pod or did you stack them? I see the walnut top & bottom but am wondering about the "in-between" banksia pod. Anyway, this is real different, you did good.

Thanks Jim. The mid section is just one pod, that section is a little over 6 inches. Hard to find big enough pods for projects like this, I got mine from Jim at Australian Burls. Our local Woodcraft often has some nice pods, but generally not big enough for this.
If not clear, the progression from top to bottom of woods as follows:
Head: African blackwood (salt cap), walnut, banksia pod, walnut.
Body: African blackwood, banksia pod, walnut.

Jim Burr
09-25-2012, 2:21 PM
Now that sir is a seller!!! And if I don't mind saying, will be shamefully stolen...maybe. Big high 5 Tim!!

John Waver
09-25-2012, 4:56 PM

Great peppermill and photos!!! What is your finishing process, if I may ask?

wes murphy
09-25-2012, 6:17 PM
Interesting use of the pod and rather unique. Nice job, Tim.

Scott J Taylor
09-25-2012, 7:31 PM
In Australia we do some pretty banal things with Banksia Pods, probably because they're dime a dozen. I can go to my local supplier and pick a few up for $5 or so. Your take on turning these is exceptional. I mean, WOW, that's stunning! Well done.

Marc Himes
09-25-2012, 7:59 PM
That is the neatest pepper mill I have ever seen! Great Job! The pod and the different woods work very well together and I really like the shape.

Greg Just
09-25-2012, 8:09 PM
Very clever use of the pod. I have a number of pods sitting around and I might just have to try one of your design. Well done.

Kathy Marshall
09-25-2012, 8:15 PM
Wow! That looks great Tim! I bet those would be a huge seller.

Bernie Weishapl
09-25-2012, 10:03 PM
Great mill Tim. I would have never thought of making one out of a pod.

neil mackay
09-25-2012, 11:01 PM
Tricky material with a great result, well done.

Don Nicholas
09-25-2012, 11:07 PM
Very nice design and use of materials the Acrylic liner is a great idea.

Tony Pridmore
09-26-2012, 12:53 AM
Very clever and it looks great.

Michelle Rich
09-26-2012, 6:30 AM
saw this on WOW and commented, but it's so cool, i think 2 comments are warranted. VERYveryvery gorgeous & clever mill