View Full Version : I can't believe there is not a thead on the New Festool CMS Router Table

Bill Huber
09-23-2012, 9:20 PM
Or did I just miss it.... http://www.festoolcms.com/

I look at all the videos and it does look like a really neat job site table, now I don't think I would want it in the shop but on the job it really looks good. I have no idea what the cost will be but then if you really needed it that would make no real difference.

The only thing that I can see from watching the videos is the arm that comes out for the feather board, that I think would really be in the way a lot for me.

I don't like the way you have to change the bits, that looks like a pain to me. The adjustable looks really good. The way they have set the left up I think it would be hard to adapt other brands of routers to it.

Steven Hsieh
09-23-2012, 9:33 PM
For the starting price, it start at $1,000 and up for accessories.

I wonder if woodcraft or rockler will be carrying it.

Matt Meiser
09-23-2012, 9:45 PM
More like $1600 if you want all the goodies.

I saw it last weekend. I think its really aimed at the high-end onsite construction market. The DC is amazing for using a shop vac, but I'd bet most all of our shop-made router tables do just as good with a dust collector. Then again, I wouldn't want to haul my heavy table around. The sliding table looks really nice and the action is downright amazing. Extremely smooth sliding, not too easy to move, but not to hard either. There's a built in crank for a lift, but the rep forgot his crank at home so we didn't get to see/try that part. I bet, if you added up the price of a good lift, a sliding table, a good fence, etc,the price isn't quite as far off as one might think. Its really easy to drop $1K on a router table without a slider.

That arm flips up out of the way really easily.

Bill Huber
09-23-2012, 10:38 PM
The feather board arm goes up really easy but if you want to use it then it is in the way big time the way I see it.

I am sure it is very well made but the cost is somewhat high but then if you are doing custom work in the field I can see it would be a great tool to have.

I did a quick look at a top of the line router table with all the good stuff and you are looking at $1000 so I guess it is not to out of site.

Ray Newman
09-23-2012, 11:09 PM
Interesting piece of equipment. Wonder how many Fe$tool will sell??

The Big Question: "Is it designed only for the Fe$tool routers"

The Festool 1400 1/2" router is US$495.00; the 1/4" 101 router is US$395.00. As Matt M said it is US$1600.00 with the accessories, then add in another US$400.00 or US$500.00 for the router and it is a US$2000.00 plus system....

Matt Meiser
09-23-2012, 11:31 PM
Yes, based on the way the router mounts and centers itself I'd guess Festool-only. And that would be part of the reason the dust extraction works so well--uses the router for below the table collection. Also based on how they are doing the height adjustment I'd guess it would be difficult to support a large number of routers.

The plate pops out with 2 cam locks to access the router above the table.

The arm did look a little awkward when in use. I suspect part of that is EU requirements for guarding.

Larry Edgerton
09-24-2012, 6:33 AM
Its a router table. Its not worth $1600.


Mike Heidrick
09-24-2012, 12:02 PM
I saw one this weekend. It needed an over-bit festool worklight to complete it.

Jacob Reverb
09-24-2012, 5:06 PM
Its a router table.
Careful there, Larry ... you might get lynched or burned at the stake! http://s3.amazonaws.com/advrider/bert.gif

Its not worth $1600.

Actually, I was surprised they broke the $2k barrier! http://d26ya5yqg8yyvs.cloudfront.net/lol8.gif What's next? Green pencils under $500?

George Gyulatyan
09-24-2012, 5:58 PM
for that price, I'd upgrade my Jet ProShop saw to a cabinet saw.

Richard Wagner
09-24-2012, 7:01 PM
I try hard not to pay attention to Festool. I know without looking that they will be too expensive for me to buy. They are just too proud.

Peter Aeschliman
09-25-2012, 2:01 AM
If you haven't already, head over to the wood whisperer and watch Mark's video.

I know there are lots of festool fans out there, so there has to be at least something to the mania. But when I watched Mark's video, the impression I got is that there is way too much fussing around to get the thing set up. The feather board/bit guard assembly looks super awkward, and it's strange how you have to unscrew so many things to remove the fence. And that price is absolutely nuts.

My humble MDF router table really hasn't left me feeling like I need anything else.

Somebody please explain this one to me!!

Harold Burrell
09-25-2012, 11:58 AM
I can't believe there is not a thead on the New Festool CMS Router Table

Ummm...there is...


Sorry...I couldn't resist...;)

John Coloccia
09-25-2012, 12:39 PM
If you haven't already, head over to the wood whisperer and watch Mark's video.

I know there are lots of festool fans out there, so there has to be at least something to the mania. But when I watched Mark's video, the impression I got is that there is way too much fussing around to get the thing set up. The feather board/bit guard assembly looks super awkward, and it's strange how you have to unscrew so many things to remove the fence. And that price is absolutely nuts.

My humble MDF router table really hasn't left me feeling like I need anything else.

Somebody please explain this one to me!!

A lot of Festool's stuff is similar to software development suites, advanced CAD/CAM packages, etc. It seems very complex if you're just going to play around with it, but it's simplicity itself to a pro who does it every day. If you've never seen a real pro (i.e. someone who does this for a living, day in and day out) use the entire Festool system, you've not seen how these tools really work. They're not designed for the guy at home that takes 2 years to finish a sofa back table. They're designed to crank out high end cabinetry and built-ins on site. I know people who do this sort of work that would not be without their Festools.

You really need to see them in action. You need to see someone who's been using the system a while go to town, crank out a project like there's no tomorrow, and then fold up a couple of tables, wheel the whole thing into his van and drive home.

I like Mark, but as far as I know his living is the website. He's not cranking out cabinetry and trim 10 hours a day, everyday. You should see me setup a guitar. I can take a basket case and have it dialed in in 20 minutes flat. It takes most people 10 minutes just to change strings. It's because I do it every day. If you want to see Festools sing, you need to watch someone that lives it every day.

trevor adair
09-25-2012, 5:06 PM
I am sure I will be picking this up as soon as I can sell my Kreg stuff :).. I drank the green Kool-aid awhile back and am not turning back now.. As for the pricing this is how I see it.. My current setup is a Kreg table $499. Kreg Lift $330, casters $60, Porter cable 7518 motor only $300 and Rockler router table dust bucket $110... Total of $1,299 invested.. I figure to get the Festool with accessories for around that price and be happy to pay it.. I do have the advantage of already owning the OF 1400 router and the MFT/3 table which integrate perfectly with the new CMS.
The clear advantage for me is that it will work seamlessly with the Festool stuff I have now and I will gain some valuable shop floor space that the Kreg table currently resides in.

As with anything however I don't question others choices... because they are their choices and theirs alone.

bob stephens55
09-25-2012, 5:27 PM
I believe I'll just stick with my multicam!