View Full Version : SMC sure can be handy sometimes!

Ken Kimbrell
09-21-2012, 2:45 PM
Just like in the topic that Joshua posted back in January, 2010 the speed controller handle on my HF 34706 was getting harder to work and this morning it just quit.
So... I came here to SMC, did a search for "stuck reeves drive" and the first topic that came up was the one by Joshua and the solution for my issue was found in the very first reply by Cody!

Many thanks to Joshua, Cody and everyone else who offered up maintenance tips in that topic.
Ps: The controller handle can now be operated with only my pinkie finger. :D


I put my new MDF honing wheel on my older HF 34706 lathe. It worked well but I wanted to pick the speed up. It had been set at 600 rpms the last time I used it. It was stiff for some time before i stopped using it in favor of the new Mustard Monster.

I tried to adjust it last night and it won't go. In fact it squealed and stopped spinning altogether.

So I took the cover off of the top back side and took a good look. I had never seen what was actually a reeves drive before. It looked to me like it was a pulley you could change the diameter/size of so that you got differing ratios for variable speed. (I look it up this morning and I was right. :)

However it appears that the changeable portion of my drive, the upper pulley, was frozen in place. So that when I moved it, or rather tried too, no matter how hard I tried nothing shifted.

I am wondering about maintenance and how to get things working again at this point. I blew everything out with my air compressor. Got lots of dust out. I have a can of PB Blaster, which is just an aerosolized penetrating oil. I can use that to try and break things loose but I am wondering if it is really the best idea. I wonder about it attracting so much wood dust that it would just bind back up etc...

Anyone have any suggestions for me? Anyone ever done it before and have sage words of wisdom?


Steve Schlumpf
09-21-2012, 5:23 PM
Ken - thanks for sharing! Always good news when someone can get their lathe back up and running!

Ken Kimbrell
09-22-2012, 5:48 AM
Thanks Steve.

As it turns out it was a rather easy fix.
Knowing that this HF lathe is at the lower end of the quality scale my head was starting to fill with visions of major repairs and parts chases, but after reading the tips posted in Joshua's topic and discovering that it was a simple maintenance issue my day became much brighter. :cool: