View Full Version : Help with a graphic

George Beck
09-18-2012, 5:20 PM
Hi all

I hate to ask, but does anyone have a ggod graphic of a MULE DEER mount (head) they could share?

I appreciate your consideration very much



Steven Cox
09-20-2012, 3:49 AM
Is that a cross between a donkey and a deer... LOL

Frank Corker
09-20-2012, 10:54 AM
Go to google images, type in Mule Deer, scroll down on the left side, choose line drawing and there are a load there.

https://www.google.co.uk/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1540&bih=806&q=MULE+DEER&oq=MULE+DEER&gs_l=img.12..0l10.565.565.0.2085. 80.0j1.1.0...0.0...1ac.1j2.WuDdOMj-oBM#q=MULE+DEER&num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=itp:lineart&sa=X&ei=1i1bUKCSFKme0QWHp4GQAw&ved=0CDwQpwUoBA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=44003663241c1a1d&biw=1540&bih=806

Mark Sipes
09-20-2012, 3:06 PM
Yep.. Just lasered my 2nd set of Truck Mud Flaps with a Mule Deer on them.

Chris DeGerolamo
09-20-2012, 3:19 PM
241459 let us know if you get orders for this. lol

Mark Sipes
09-20-2012, 3:43 PM
Right up there with the JackAlope....