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View Full Version : Beam me up!

Pete and Carmen Vaca
09-14-2012, 12:06 AM
Hello everyone!

Has anyone here used a beam splitter? I am cutting acrylic and kiss cutting PSA on some areas.

I am getting a lighter kiss cut on the second beam, can I put a filter of sorts at the output of beam 1?

Any ideas, experiences?

Thank you !


Pete and Carmen Vaca
09-14-2012, 8:44 AM

Jeff Belany
09-14-2012, 10:47 AM
Did use a beam splitter in a past life. My only thought is that the splitter mirror may be wearing out and not making a 50/50 split. Just a thought. I never did 2 kiss cuts so not really sure. Don't think a ND filter would stand up to the laser (guess it depends on the material it's made of) and would be a lot of trial and error to get it just right.

Jeff in northern Wisconsin

Mike Ireland
09-14-2012, 11:44 AM
Beam splitters are not a perfect 50/50 split. Some can be as much as +/- 5% on each side of the split.

Pete and Carmen Vaca
09-14-2012, 1:35 PM
Thank you gents!

I believe I have an alignment issue, I noticed las night that as I gradually align my spot is burning hotter and rounder.

AL Ursich
09-14-2012, 4:39 PM
I saw something on one of the Forums a few years ago that with a beam splitter and doing a kiss cut, the user placed a piece of something under the far side to raise it up slightly off the table making the second one match the first in quality....

That will take some Testing.....


Pete and Carmen Vaca
09-14-2012, 5:20 PM
Great suggestion Al! I can individually focus... and I have did FL lenses.

Have a great weekend!

AL Ursich
09-14-2012, 7:58 PM
I was sitting here and just had a thought of the first time I had ever heard of the Beam Splitter Trick... It was at a ARA Atlantic City Show about 10 years ago and a Laser Bits Laser Training Clinic.... The question was asked and Mike F. Answered... I am a info Sponge when it comes to Lasers.... Mostly the Troubleshooting side being a Electronic Guy...

Good Luck,

FCC(SW) US Navy Retired.

Pete and Carmen Vaca
09-15-2012, 3:15 AM
We did it guys!

A couple of hours with the masking tape and some focusing, and I found my setup.

Thanks again!

Hope to return the favor someday.
