View Full Version : vertical plane storage (tool cabinet)

Jessica Pierce-LaRose
09-13-2012, 8:04 PM
I've been finishing up my tool cabinet, and I'm thinking another body will be helpful in getting it up on the wall, (even with the tools removed, obviously) so I've been puttering around getting as much stuff mounted as I feel comfortable with before it's in place, while I wait for the my father to get back into town. Gotten most of my saws and chisels fitted, and starting to think about fitting my planes.

The plan is at least with my jack and jointer to go with a vertical storage method, with the planes pointing up or down and the soles against the back of the cabinet. I guess my next step is to putter around with making some cleats or mocking something up. I'll have to dig out my copy of Landis' toolbox book for some inspiration, but in the meantime I'm curious if anyone has any info to share on how they tackled this. My initial thought is just a small cleat at the bottom for whatever end of the plane is at the bottom to nestle in, and some cleats the width of the plane on the back wall of the cabinet to prevent it from tipping side-to-side, but I see others have gone with a cleat at both the top and the bottom. I'm curious how you get the planes in and out that way. I'd like to be able to remove the planes perpendicular from the back wall, i.e., avoid having to slide them left and right to remove. I thought about getting fancy with an angled board with cleats forming pockets, kind of like what Lie Nielsen uses for their shows, but that seems like a bit more fussing around than I really feel like doing unless it provides a distinct advantage.

anyone got thoughts or pictures to share?

Bob Jones
09-13-2012, 9:00 PM
Check out the first reply to this Woodnet thread. I'm going to try to copy it.


Jim Ritter
09-13-2012, 10:36 PM
My planes are not I a cabinet but they do hang on the wall with small loops of string that hold the front knob. One handed operation, lift to horizontal and slid out of the loop. Reverse to rehang. If you need a photo I'll take one.

Bob Jones
09-14-2012, 12:33 AM
I saw that in a FWW article, but those were on a slight incline rather than purely vertical. Are yours vertical? A pic or two would be nice. That method would be super easy to install.

Jim Ritter
09-14-2012, 7:09 AM
They are vertical. I'll take some photos today at the shop.

Jim Ritter
09-15-2012, 6:11 PM
Here's the photo. Quick and dirty, but it got them up out of the way. In a tool cabinet I would most likely have a horizontal strip of wood to pass the strings through, maybe a rabbet at the back edge to bury the string in so you don't see the ends.
