View Full Version : Cat one

Larry Pickering
09-10-2012, 5:35 PM
The Bayou Woodturners challenge, this month, was to turn something round with a stand. When I first turned this I was not happy with the way It came out. Setting around the house with no electricity for 4 days I had plenty of time to think about it. the piece is made with maple, it's 20"x20" over all, the disk is 13".The square frame represent a hurricane tracking map grid, the 30 and 90 degree marks are the coordinates for New Orleans. The step-carvings on the disk represent the outer bands of a hurricane, the green, yellow and red are the patterns on the radar that I kept watching on my I phone. The hole in the middle is the eye wall. The sinker cypress base is Louisiana's eroding coast. Last but not least are the tar ball, from the BP oil spill, that Issac washed up.

Tried to put a little humor in a tragic situation, my house received 4 inches of water, but that is minor compared to what some of my neighbors, friends and relatives experienced from Hurricane Issac, a cat 1 storm.

Maria Alvarado
09-10-2012, 6:31 PM
Larry, what a wonderful piece! I used to used to live in Houston and was there for the Tropical Storm Allison disaster, so I know the obsessive watching of that churning track (I still do it). I think you've captured it very well, it looks like there is even movement possible. Great job all around, hope it wins!

Jerry Marcantel
09-10-2012, 6:54 PM
Larry, cool piece with a meaning. Love it..... Jerry (in Tucson)

Gerold Griffin
09-11-2012, 4:35 PM
Outstanding piece Larry. Anyone who spends much time tracking hurricanes would have no doubt as to what you are refering to with this piece. You really captured it. Sorry to hear about the 4 inches of water in the house. We faired out pretty well, lost some shingles, enough for a new roof but only had minor leaking. Lets hope Issac is the last one for this season, or the next 20!!!

Jim Burr
09-11-2012, 5:22 PM
Ha!! What a great idea Larry!!! I'd have made a pen...but I just suck that way! I really like the coloring...draws the eye all around.

Bernie Weishapl
09-11-2012, 8:57 PM
Great piece Larry with a lot of meaning.

wes murphy
09-11-2012, 9:03 PM
A very meaningful piece, Larry

Mike Cruz
09-12-2012, 9:45 PM
Very cool inspiration. Well hurricanes aren't fun or cool (not to be IN anyway...), but the idea is. The execution is great, too.