View Full Version : Gia's Plate

Kathy Marshall
09-09-2012, 5:34 PM
A few weeks ago when I was at Deb and Paul's place (the tree trimmers), Deb told me that one of her clients had just lost her 16 month old little girl Gia to cancer and asked me if I would turn something for them to give to the parents. She thought maybe a rattle, but I suggested a plate since there would be more surface area to include Gia's information and a little message.
That was just after I got the load of silk oak from them and I thought with the lacey grain and pink color, it would make a nice plate for a little girl.
I rough turned the plate a few weeks ago and it seemed to be drying fairly quickly, so today I finish turned it.
It's 10" x 1 1/2" and I added some very diluted red dye in hopes of retaining some pink coloring. The color in the pic isn't quite right, the actual color is more pink than brown (but it may just be my monitor). It just has a light coat of sanding sealer to stabilize the dye, and I'll take it to have some laser ingraving done this week and then add a finish.
A very sad occasion to need to turn something for, but I hope in some small way it will help the parents with their grieving.
Thanks for looking.
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Bernie Weishapl
09-09-2012, 6:26 PM
Kathy that is a beauty and like the color. What a great gesture. Make sure you post a picture after it is done.

Steve Schlumpf
09-09-2012, 6:47 PM
What a wonderful thing to do to help add a little light to a very sad event... Beautiful bowl! Please add a photo or two of it once it has been laser engraved.

Allan Ferguson
09-09-2012, 7:44 PM
Fine plate for a great loss.. It is good that you have made this for them.

Donny Lawson
09-09-2012, 9:59 PM
Great looking plate. What kind of finish are you going to finish with?

Kathy Marshall
09-09-2012, 10:29 PM
Thanks guys!
I'll be sure to post finished pics.
Donny, I'll probably go with WTF as the finish.

Mike Cruz
09-10-2012, 1:33 AM
Kathy, you would have thought that you could have turned away that mark from your live center! :D

Great of you to turn for a cause. Nothing will ease their pain, but what you've done will leave a mark...a reminder of the generosity of others...a shoulder in the community to share a tear. Very nice of you to reach out.

Tim Rinehart
09-10-2012, 8:01 AM
Wonderfully thoughtful and heart-wrenching to even consider losing one so young like that. I'm sure this piece will have a lasting part of the love and memories of Gia for the couple.

ted moore
09-11-2012, 1:37 PM
Very Kind Gesture on your part. And of the trimmers to think of their clients.
One quick question of the wood,
Is silk oak the kind of Oak that a lot of people who are allergic to Poison Oak break-out in a dermatitis reaction?
I turned down an offer for some thinking it was a high alleregn as I am EXTREMELY allergic to Poison Oak.

Kathy Marshall
09-12-2012, 1:06 AM
Well, I dropped the plate, along with another one, at the engravers today. Unfortunately, the engraver is leaving the country for a couple weeks, so the plates won't be ready until near the end of the month. I told them what I wanted on each plate, but gave them license to tweak the designs as needed.

Very Kind Gesture on your part. And of the trimmers to think of their clients.
One quick question of the wood,
Is silk oak the kind of Oak that a lot of people who are allergic to Poison Oak break-out in a dermatitis reaction?
I turned down an offer for some thinking it was a high alleregn as I am EXTREMELY allergic to Poison Oak.
Ted, yes it is the silk oak that many people are sensitive to in varying degress, from mild to severe. It's not a true oak. So far, I have not shown any sensitivity to silk oak or any other wood, although I know that can change at any time.
It was probably a good idea for you to turn down the wood since you know you have a high sensitivity to other woods, although I think poison oak would cause a reaction in just about anyone, it's just a matter of severity.

Mike Cruz
09-12-2012, 7:53 AM
Not fair, Kathy. Not nice, either! You can do that to me... "Well, I dropped the plate" I thought you literally DROPPED it! Glad to hear "where" it was dropped not "that" it was dropped. Hope they come out beyond your expectations.