View Full Version : Monster Lathe 1st Bowl

David DeCristoforo
09-08-2012, 8:48 PM
I had really hoped that this would be a prologue. Unfortunately, the Dynamotor was operating erratically and, after a short period of "kinda working" has simply quit. I have a call in to the manufacturer and I sill offer more information on that once I have talked to them. I ended up having to hack up the donut chuck I had made up for the lathe in order to just barely mount this on my Delta to finish up the bottom. If it had been a quarter of an inch bigger I would not have been able to cram it on. But it's a bowl. Actually, the first bowl I have made that I would consider to be "successful". I wanted to use as much of the piece KM sent me as I could so I made no attempt to get rid of the small branch centers in this nice crotch piece. 12" X 4.5". 3/8" wall and even from top to bottom. An accomplishment for me!


I may have to revert to the idea of trying to scare up a used 3ph motor and a VFD. I'll see what the motor guy has to say...

Nate Davey
09-08-2012, 8:55 PM
Bummer about the motor David, but what a spectacular bowl.

Tim Rinehart
09-08-2012, 9:18 PM
Yea, that's a definite bummer on the motor...but a good opportunity to put an extra pony or so on it. Easy for me to say...not my $$$.
The bowl is wonderful, happy for you that you were able to get it completed.

Harry Robinette
09-08-2012, 9:32 PM
News like this is NOT what we want to hear and I know you didn't want to hear this. The bowl looks good even with all the trouble you had.
Hope things work out with the motor.

Baxter Smith
09-08-2012, 9:34 PM
Bummer about the lathe issues. Great shape and very pretty wood! Hope you don't have any problem with the branch centers checking. Kathy's wood seems to be resistant to all such things!

Rick Markham
09-08-2012, 9:34 PM
It's a beautiful bowl David! Sorry to hear about the motor.

Sid Matheny
09-08-2012, 9:43 PM
Wonderful bowl but hate to hear the trouble with the monster!


Bernie Weishapl
09-08-2012, 9:59 PM
Bummer on the lathe but a nice bowl.

Kathy Marshall
09-08-2012, 10:06 PM
Sorry about the motor problems, hopefully the mfg will have a good response and fix or replace it.
The bowl looks great! Love the color in that wood and if you soaked the little pith centers with some CA, you shouldn't have any problems with them.
Do I see a bowl series in the future?

Steve Schlumpf
09-08-2012, 11:57 PM
Beautiful bowl David! Hope your lathe issues get resolved quickly and easily!

Michelle Rich
09-09-2012, 6:25 AM
where's the stick? :-) golly that is gorgeous wood..the branch centers look great & draw the eye

Michael Armstrong
09-09-2012, 8:33 AM
Great looking bowlDavid. The pith centres really add to the appearance so I hope they don't give you problems. Sorry to hear about the lathe motor. Hopefully you'll get it cleared up quickly.


Russell Eaton
09-09-2012, 8:37 AM
Bowl is awesome... motor not so much.

Marc Himes
09-09-2012, 9:21 AM
Like everyone else has posted; great looking bowl, wonderful wood, sorry to hear about the motor.

Allan Ferguson
09-09-2012, 10:33 AM
That is a fine bowl. The wood with its patterning is out standing. Good luck with the motor.

Mike Cruz
09-10-2012, 1:47 AM
Hope the motor thing gets worked out. Would hate to see you have to mount a 3 hp motor to that beast and NOT be limited to the size of your turnings... ;)

It cracks me up how you non-bowl turners feel you can't do bowls...yet you mount the blanks and create masterpiece bowls. Keep at it DD!

Donny Lawson
09-10-2012, 6:46 AM
Great looking bowl. Maybe you can get the motor back up and running soon.

Josh Bowman
09-10-2012, 7:09 AM
David, great bowl. How did the lathe act with the blank (before the motor problem), that is was it solid? Did the setup have good control?
Perhaps this setup can get it going again :D

Faust M. Ruggiero
09-10-2012, 7:51 AM
I think Josh might be suggesting the brain for the motor came from "AB Normal". Time to dump the high tech motor and hook up to a Volkswagon. Start swinging trunks on that mighty beast.

charlie knighton
09-10-2012, 8:37 AM
very nice bowl, i will have to get use to you doing bowls, but i can adjust

good luck on the motor issues

David DeCristoforo
09-10-2012, 1:41 PM
Thanx for all the kind words. I spoke to the people at Dynamotor today and they are:

A) Sending me another motor and
B) Paying for the return shipping on this one.

I am going to give this motor a fair shot so one more time around the track before I start seriously shopping for Volkswagons.

Nate Davey
09-10-2012, 2:10 PM
Sounds like they have great customer service, thanks for the update David!