View Full Version : PM 141 Upper Guide Post Sticks

Bob Coleman
09-06-2012, 11:18 PM
I removed the upper guide post and bracket to clean out a bunch of gunky sawdust in my 1966 PM 141. When I went to put everything back together, the fit between the post and its bracket is VERY tight. I can push/wiggle it in, but can't move it up and down without a LOT of effort. (You can see the scratches from pushing it in on the post in the first picture) It was definitely easier to move before disassembly. All I did was take some scotchbrite to both parts. It is equally stiff when the bracket is off the machine as when on.

What did I do wrong and how should I fix it? (Some grease helped a little, but got squeezed out pretty quick) My first thought was to take some sandpaper to the post, but I'm worried about going too far.

Thanks in advance!


Carroll Courtney
09-07-2012, 6:27 PM
Just wondering if maybe the post is flip around 180 degrees or the part that the post fits into that the bolts holding it on may need to be loosen alittle.Couple guesses---Carroll

Jerry Miner
09-08-2012, 1:20 PM
Lubrication? When you cleaned it, you also cleaned off all the lubrication.

Kirk Poore
09-09-2012, 9:49 PM
Is it possible the post isn't quite square? Rotate it 90 degrees and see how it works.


Bob Coleman
09-09-2012, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the replies!

The post only goes in one way that gets the guides and blade guard in the right places.

I reassembled it with the bolts loose-ish, and am liberally dosing it with machine oil. We'll see how it goes.