View Full Version : Who's "ripping off" who?

David DeCristoforo
09-03-2012, 2:46 PM
There have been a number of discussions about "copying" and "authorship" and how far one can go before crossing the gray area between "influence" and downright plagiarism. Most of the time, the core of the issue has to do with respecting the artists' rights to their own ideas and product. Sometimes the issue boils down to the inherent unfairness that one might be profiting at the expense of another.

So I am wondering about the "fairness" of loaning videos that have been produced and marketed by specific artists with the intention of earning some money from their work. There are several that seem to be constantly circulating here and I see this on other sites as well. It seems to me that this is another way that artists might be denied income they could be considered "entitled" to. Obviously, neither the borrower or the lender is making money from these exchanges. But just as obviously, the author of the video is not getting paid and is, in effect, losing a sale every time the video is passed along to another.

There are libraries that loan books and videos as well as, in some cases, music in various forms, and this seems to be a generally acceptable concept. But, on the other hand, there is a constant buzz around protecting the rights of people who produce and/or provide music, movies, written works and so forth, especially on the internet.

So, thoughts on this?

09-03-2012, 3:14 PM
Thought you were going to get some rest.

David DeCristoforo
09-03-2012, 3:18 PM
"Thought you were going to get some rest."

I lied...

David Weaver
09-03-2012, 3:28 PM
Whatever is legal is fine. If someone is feeling guilt for doing something that's legal in the first place, they can send $5 to the person who did the video.

Sid Matheny
09-03-2012, 3:36 PM
The first libraries known were back in 2600 BC and I think sharing media is a good thing. Coping it to have your own copy is something else. If I want to read about something I can read it without buying it but if I want to own it I should buy it.


Richard Coers
09-03-2012, 4:11 PM
The financial side of life for a creative person, or artist, is not an easy one. And with this economy, it sure didn't get easier. It seems to me that woodturning artists, may have it a little easier than say a painter, because there is a huge network of "old farts" that love to be entertained in their clubs and symposiums by said artists. On the down side, wood art is just getting a good start in the general public. So maybe that equals out between the wood and paint artist. But what is also interesting for the wood artist, is that same group of old farts love to buy special tools and dvds so they can go home and "duplicate" that art. That is where it gets tricky to me. The artist is compensated for his teaching time, and paid for tools and or dvds that show the exact details of their work in extreme detail. That is where I think the artist gives up individual rights to have the original purchaser of the dvd be the only person to view that dvd. Demonstrating in front of huge groups seems to reinforce this for me.

Hayes Rutherford
09-03-2012, 4:28 PM
It seems like as long as the video isn't being duplicated and sold it would be o.k. The fact only contributors could receive the one in question is beneficial to SMC and and is effective in getting the artists name out.

John Keeton
09-03-2012, 4:51 PM
Since I was the one that started the Mobile Library in April 2010, it may be relevant for me to comment. This issue was debated in depth along these same lines, and so those decisions were all made 2.5 years ago. Further discussion would not be fruitful. As an aside, I have no idea what ever happened to the 6-8 videos I loaned out. I would be nice if whomever has them would put them back in circulation.:)

The original thread started here -


and, the follow up thread in the Lumberyard Forum is here -
