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View Full Version : My morning buddy

Jerome Stanek
09-03-2012, 1:13 PM
Yesterday we had to put down our small Persian cat down. Every morning he would come up and sit by me on the table and watch me eat and read the news. It was our ritual where I would put him on my lap after a time and he would sit there in purr for about 5 minutes then jump down and go to his bowl and eat. after he had his fill he would come back up and just sit on the table and watch me would refuse. He never begged for food and if I offered him any he most of the time refuse it He had only one food that he would eat it was a dry food even though the other cats had wet and other dry food. His name was Boo and he had a some bell balls that he would play fetch with me we had all different color balls but his favorite was a pink one that he always knew where it was. If I wanted to play with him all I had to do is say get your boo boo ball and he would go and get it. I already miss him.

Phil Thien
09-03-2012, 2:14 PM
I already miss him.

Sorry for your loss.

Rod Sheridan
09-03-2012, 3:48 PM
Dear Jerome, the loss of a loved pet is one of the more traumatic events in life, you have my sincere condolences...........Regards, Rod.

Paul McGaha
09-03-2012, 4:11 PM
Really sorry Jerome.

Jerome Stanek
09-03-2012, 6:05 PM
The sad thing is I only got to enjoy him for 6 years. He came into our lives with a sad good bye to his original owners who found him abandoned had him for about 2 years when the man was transferred to Singapore so his life was turned upside down more than once.

Belinda Barfield
09-04-2012, 10:19 AM
I'm sorry for your loss Jerome.

Sam Murdoch
09-04-2012, 1:06 PM
Yes, we can relate to your sadness. It is not easy to let these little loved creatures go. My sympathies.