View Full Version : Design Opportunity - What are my options?

Glen Blanchard
09-03-2012, 10:12 AM
During a rough turning of a vase this morning, I encountered quite a few worm holes (short tunnels to be more exact). If they were more widespread I'd leave them as is, but I am afraid they will look more like a mistake and less like character. So I am looking for a way to fill them in. Lots of folks use turquoise, but I don't have any on hand. How might transtint (perhaps, amber) dyed epoxy look?

Other suggestions?

Steve Schlumpf
09-03-2012, 10:38 AM

I like to leave worm holes because I feel they add character to the piece. I have seen some filled pieces that look good but most - in my opinion - look like an attempt to fix a problem. Any chance of a couple of photos? Would be much easier to offer constructive advice.

Glen Blanchard
09-03-2012, 11:14 AM
Here are 3. As you can see, the worm holes are only visible from certain viewing perspectives. I wish there were more and that they were more spread out.

Paul Williams
09-03-2012, 1:36 PM
Glen, I think I would fill those with sawdust and glue. They are going to show no matter what you do. If the piece had more contrasting grain patterns or dark spots, I would either use coffee grounds and glue or leave the holes alone. However, if your vase is going to stay a light color I think you should try to minimize the holes by matching the wood. Just my 2 cents worth. It's a large piece, I don't think a few holes will detract at all.

I did try drilling out the black edge of some holes a few years back and thencut plugs with similar grin. It looked OK from a distance, but looked like a patch when youi noticed the plugs. I think it would have been better to just accept the holes.

Jay Jolliffe
09-03-2012, 1:42 PM
I really don't know about what to do with that but I have to ask do you actually work in that shop in the pics.....The only day mine was that clean was when I finished building it & before I moved it...Most of the time mine is a tip...

Robert Henrickson
09-03-2012, 1:51 PM
They're likely to be evident even with color matching, since the grain will highlight them. Might as well make them a 'feature' rather than a 'bug'(!), and fill them with coffee grounds. That said, whenever I find bug holes/tunnels, I clean them out and leave them open. They're part of that wood.

Don Nicholas
09-03-2012, 2:04 PM
You had suggested, you wish there were more of the holes. Could you possibly "add" some more holes using a Dremel tool. Experiment on a scrap using various cutters.
Just a thought

Glen Blanchard
09-03-2012, 2:25 PM
I really don't know about what to do with that but I have to ask do you actually work in that shop in the pics.....The only day mine was that clean was when I finished building it & before I moved it...Most of the time mine is a tip...

The pics were taken at a good angle. :D

Eric Gourieux
09-03-2012, 3:20 PM
I would either leave the holes or make more as was suggested. If you want to fill them, I'd lean more to using coffee grounds or other contrasting material.

Bob Bergstrom
09-03-2012, 3:29 PM
If you fill them, I suggest not filling them flush with the surface. Leave the fill a little short but with a few peaks protruding above the surface. Sand the peaks and add a darker color into the void, but not flush. This really adds demension to the hole and looks more natural.

Bernie Weishapl
09-03-2012, 7:06 PM
I would leave them. I always do. I find when I try to fill them and match the wood or use contrast filler it just looks like you are trying to fix a mistake.

Marc Himes
09-03-2012, 8:24 PM
Another vote for leaving them as they are. To me they do not detract at all from the piece.