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Dr. Zack Jennings
05-02-2003, 5:41 PM
"Signed up for More Schoolin"

The girls in my office wanted to know when Summer Vacation is ? So, I called Arrowmont and signed myself up fer some education, June 23-July 4th: Two weeks of wood turning with Wayne Shipman from the Bay Area of San Francisco.
<center>Class Description:"Bowls to Hollow Forms" (http://www.arrowmont.org/registration/commerce.pl?page=shipman.html&cart_id=7677001_5957)
Wayne Shipman's Bio (http://www.turningways.com/about_us.htm)
Arrowmont.org (http://arrowmont.org/) </center>

I guess I'll be buying a lathe. I'll get to pursue another hobby, Digital Photography. This will be my 3rd trip to Arrowmont and my 10th or more trip to the Smoky Mountains National Park, but... My first since getting into computers, the internet and digital cameras. In addition to photographing the work in our turning class, there will be other crafts displayed in other classes and in the exhibit halls. I will share those photos at the Creek and on my website. I can also add to my collection of photos of Sheds, Shacks, Barns and Mills.

The Smoky Mtns. National Park is the most visited in the United States. Although Gatlinburg is often crowded and distinctly commercialed, the Arrowmont campus is in a park like setting in the heart of town, an oasis of peace and calm. Room and board on campus means you don't have to go anywhere. The instruction is excellent. Instructors have numerous awards and their crafts are in museums and top galleries. I highly recommend the school.

Dave Avery
05-02-2003, 6:06 PM

Sounds like a lot of fun..... I'm sure you'll have plenty of pictures to post when you're done. Dave.

Bob Janka
05-04-2003, 10:22 AM
We had planned a vacation to Arrowmont this year, but events arose that caused us to cancel the trip. :-(

(digression begins)

One good thing to come out of it was my introduction to woodturning. Back in December, LOML brought me the class brochure, said "I want to take this ceramics class, what do you want to take?". :)

At the time, I was mostly playing with my first major project: the router table from Woodsmith magazine (issue 20). I didn't see any cabinet, bookcase, table or any other "flatwork" classes, so I signed up for a turning class with Alan Stirt. Not wanting to be a total novice at Arrowmont, I also signed up for a beginner's "wood-turning" class at our local Craft Center held earlier this year. This 6 week class is taught by a pair of brothers (Jim & Bill Wallace) who teach spindle & bowl turning respectively.

After the 3 weeks of spindle turning, I found out that the Craft Center had the basic equipment to turn pens (mandrel, drill bit, bushings for slim-line pens/pencils and mont-blanc pens aka round-top aka european pens). I bought some kits from our local Woodcraft store, made my first pen, and the rest is history.

Since then, I've had my eye open for classes and workshops at various places like Arrowmont (TN), John C. Campbell school of Folk Arts (NC), Anderson Ranch (CO), etc. As soon as conditions improve, my wife and I WILL go to one of these places for a week. It ought to be a great vacation and learning opportunity.

(end digression)

Allow me to wish you a safe and pleasant trip, Dr. Zack!

From what Jennifer Shirley and others have told me, taking a class at Arrowmont is a GREAT experience. I'm glad that you'll get a chance to revisit some old haunting grounds and explore not one, but TWO hobbies! :-)


Jim Becker
05-04-2003, 11:18 AM
Oh, my, Zack...what a wonderful way to join the "addiction"! (And turning is just that!) Arrowmont is a great place to do it, too.

My wife and I have sometimes spoken about doing a vacation like this with me doing something in the woodworking arena and she picking some other craft of interest. (She occasionally does custom greeting cards) One of these days...<G>

Philip Duffy
05-04-2003, 5:50 PM
You will find Wayne a skillful and expert instructor. I had the privilege a couple years ago to spend a week with him at Arrowmont and that week was a new awakening for me. Say hi for me, and enjoy. Philip

John Miliunas
05-04-2003, 9:01 PM
Good for you, Zack! I've heard many good things about Arrowmont. I'd love to go myself and would if it weren't for the time, money, distance, money, decent enough vehicle to make the trip, money..... :( OK, yeah I probably could go. If I only had the bucks! You have fun and bring us back many, many pics and experiences. I really enjoy your photo stuff on your site, as well. Been know to dabble a bit in photography myself, though it's been quite some time since I did anything serious. One of these days.... Have phun!:cool: