View Full Version : It figures - caution long and whiny

Gary Herrmann
04-12-2005, 9:01 PM
Sunday I laid down 4 yards of mulch, dug up about 200 sq ft of sod for a new bed and then finally got to do some wwing that night. I routed the edge profile on the top of the bookcase I've been working on.

About halfway through, I feel like somebody stabs me in the back. Being an idiot (according to my wife, anyway) I finished the edge profile. Came out nicely.

By Monday morning I can barely stand up straight. Turns out I tore a muscle in my lower back. Too much work done while bent over lifting heavy things, being 6'7" made it worse, blah, blah, blah.

And this two days before my MM16 is finally due to arrive (yes, I finally get to the point). They'll put it in the garage tomorrow morning. I'll drool, then reluctantly go to work (probably scuffing my shoe like my 4 yr old).

Tonight, the wife surprised me by saying she hired a moving company to bring it downstairs and get rid of an old sofa down there (hah! - ulterior motive). Working long hours this week, have to travel next week.

Can I call in sick due to the need to remove cosmoline?

Corey Hallagan
04-12-2005, 9:27 PM
Congrats on the impending arrival of your new BS!! Sorry to hear about the bad back! I have suffered with back problems for years now. It doesn't make it easier with all the remodelling work on the house we have been doing. Take care of yourself... many people use heat on their back but the only thing that helps me is ice packs and if you cand stand it, a cold icy shower! BRRRRRRRR reminds yah of those York Pepermint Patty commercials!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-12-2005, 10:03 PM
Sorry about the back! Congrats on the new BS. If you call in sick they say it's a bunch of ....well ....BandSaw...... :rolleyes: :D

Dan Forman
04-13-2005, 2:51 AM
Sorry about your back, but at least you don't have to move the beast down the stairs yourself.


Mike Monroe
04-13-2005, 1:47 PM

Hit the ibuprofen for the next couple of days, that will help your back heal up faster. I used to frame houses and after pulling a muscle in my back someone suggested I take ibuprofen for a few days. It really helped, now at the first twinge of a "knife in the back" I take some ibuprofen for a day or two.


Brad Schmid
04-13-2005, 2:01 PM
bummer on the back, but congrats on the MM, you'll love it.

ahhh, "sick of cosmoline", "afflicted by cosmoline", "need to have my cosmoline removed".... I think those might work if your boss is'nt a tool or medical type person :D


Ted Shrader
04-13-2005, 4:28 PM
Gary -

Sorry to hear about the back. Take care of it and let it heal.

Congrats on the impending arrival of the MM16. About putting it in the garage. When mine came it would not fit under the garage door (standard 7' X 8' overhead door) while still crated. Had to uncrate it, attach the wheels and "walk" it through the opening. Just a note of caution for your planning. . . . .
