View Full Version : Metal sprayed bowls one step closer.

curtis rosche
08-28-2012, 8:02 PM
Im one step closer to the metal sprayed bowls i posted about awhile ago, they are getting sprayed tommorow. The company that is doing it doesnt buff or polish, only spray.

So what do I need to buff these metals or is there a one thing does all or something? Ive never done buffing before.
heres the metals : copper, aluminum-bronze, and stainless steel

Tom Wilson66
08-28-2012, 10:38 PM
In the Navy, we used Brasso on everything :rolleyes: Don't see why you would need anything else but a cloth and lots of elbow grease.

Jeff Myroup
08-28-2012, 10:48 PM
Beall system should work

Scott Conners
08-29-2012, 12:20 AM
Tripoli on a cloth buff will work well. Finish with white if you like. Sand w/ 400 grit (wet w/ black emory if you have much to do) first on a pad to get rid of any bumps or texture, needs to be flat and smooth. Buffing does not flatten, it only shines. Be aware that buffing metal will leave your buff blackened, and the black can transfer to light woods if you don't clean the buff well.

Michelle Rich
08-29-2012, 6:08 AM
If it were me, I'd ask the folks who are spraying the metal..they will know without question

curtis rosche
08-30-2012, 5:37 PM
If it were me, I'd ask the folks who are spraying the metal..they will know without question
they dont do any finishing work unless its machining. they leave that to the customer. I got the bowls today, I need to sand and buff them. one is in babbit. one in copper, and one in an aluminum alloy. I tried sanding the copper one and about all it did was tear the grit off my paper. I plan on stopping at the hardware store for more. and finding a simple buffing kit.