View Full Version : Visit with Ray Key

Blake McCully
04-12-2005, 9:03 AM
I, along with members of two clubs I'm associated with, got to spend some quality time with British turner Ray Key this weekend.

Turners Annonymous from Pittsburgh, PA, hosted Mr. Key at the Center for Contemporary Arts on Saturday where he did demonstrations. I, unfortunately, was not able to attend this, but LOML and I did join a number of the club members for supper with him on Saturday evening.

On Monday, Mr. Key was at Indiana, PA, at Indiana Univeristy of Pennsylvania to give some personalized classes. Then Monday evening he presented a slide show to our local club, Indiana County Woodturners Association.

He is a very personable gentleman and extremely knowledgeable. A good teacher, great artist, and wonderful craftsman.

Dan Connolly
04-12-2005, 9:23 AM
I was lucky to spend 3 days with him last week, he has forgotten more than I will ever know about turning. Also a very kind-entertaining gentleman.

Pete Kekel
04-12-2005, 1:17 PM
Mr. Key is going to be one of the headliners at our woodturning symposium this October. We're very excited to have him, along with the others (visit ovwg.org/turning2005/ for the complete list). In his videos he comes across as stiff and boring, but in real life he's a nice guy with a good sense of humor.