View Full Version : My super fast, super shiny, super glossy, super cheap, super easy one day finish

Luke Pighetti
08-18-2012, 10:09 PM
How am I going to live up to that thread title? I don't know. I had been going over thread after thread trying to find the answer to my finishing needs. I needed something easily obtainable on a moments notice (no mail order), that could be done in an afternoon, that would look great, would be fairly foolproof, be durable, be mostly natural, and that could be 'paused' and picked up an hour, a week, a month, a year later. I think I have found it.

I have had a lot of luck with this forum, and have enjoyed my stay here thus far. So thanks everyone for all the help and I hope someone finds this useful!

I guess I'll just spit it out then. The wood in question is oh so Curly Maple. I used:

Sunnyside Boiled Linseed Oil
Zinnser Spray on dewaxed Shellac
Deft clear lacquer spray

It's as easy as counting to ten!

1) sand to 180 grit
2) medium thickness BLO wipe, rub hard for 30 seconds, wipe off/rub hard to remove excess
3) sand very lightly and quickly to 220 grit, quick wipe off slurry etc. (to increase contrast between grain directions)

4) spray ~3 light coats of Shellac about 5 minutes apart, let sit ~15-30minutes
5) sand with 330/400 grit
6) very very light coat of Shellac to level the surface and dissolve the sanding powder
7) let sit 30 minutes

8) spray 3-5 light coats of lacquer about 5-10 minutes apart. let sit 1 hour
9) (wet) sand 600 through 1000 and up if desired

10) polish/wax with whatever method you deem necessary (perhaps wait overnight for this)

The results you see here are a much more rushed version of what's above. Use your own judgement. I tried to push the envelope as much as possible each step of the way to simulate a "worst case scenario" finish. The finish is very hard and I did everything start to finish in under 4 hours. It's worth mentioning that today was 75 degrees and 85% humidity. Not a dry day by any means. It rained all night and in the morning. I started in the afternoon.

The spots you might see was my test of pure CA glue as a void filler. My CA glue was crap. I was pleased with the results, although not stunned. I will try later with better CA glue.





Luke Pighetti
08-19-2012, 10:10 PM
I'm going to try this finishing routine tomorrow, but with an overnight BLO cure, very light shellac coat, and 5-6 coats of lacquer with an overnight cure. I'm aiming to get better durability.

Scott Holmes
08-19-2012, 10:17 PM

Depending on the project and its intended use... you will find that varnish is more durable than Deft spray lacquer; which as lacquers go, is a realitively soft lacquer.

It will give you great results as to shine and clarity. Again the project and its use determine the "durability" needed. Lacquer may not be the best choice. It is fast for sure.