View Full Version : Router in Miter Stand

Kurt Heninger
08-18-2012, 1:03 PM
I'm putting together the shop in my new house and I was planning to drop my router into the table saw extension as I had done before. However I remember what a pain it was to get everything set up and then have a need to make a quick cut on the table saw. I don't really have room for a dedicated router table, but I'm planning to build a set of cabinets and a large table top for the miter saw and thought what about dropping the router in there?

Has anyone else done this? Just wondering if I'm overlooking any obvious problems. I would be limited to about 4 foot long work pieces. I wouldn't be able to do a dado deeper than about 12 inches from the edge. I think I can live with those two limitations. Anyone else see any gotchas with this setup?


Mike Heidrick
08-18-2012, 1:23 PM
How will you do the fences for each and not limit work?

pat warner
08-18-2012, 1:40 PM
"Anyone else see any gotchas with this setup?"
Whilst perhaps noble and conservative of space, it will have access issues.
A router table, lest a step child, should have access x 360 degrees.
You should be able to work from the backside & either end.
For me? The table has to be mobile or the center of attention.

Don Jarvie
08-18-2012, 1:43 PM
You might be better off put it in your table saw extension and adding an aftermarket fence. If you can rout in 2 t-tracks 90 degrees to the router you can add the router fence and free up your TS fence.