View Full Version : Super glue over shellac/blo for small voids (curly maple pics)?

Luke Pighetti
08-16-2012, 11:32 PM
I have some small voids in some curly maple that I turned here.

Being young and impatient, I gave it a light treatment of BLO and then some dewaxed shellac. Looks great, except for the small voids. I believe the voids came from tear out, they are pretty minor.

So, I was thinking some standard quick set superglue, but I'm wondering what you guys think? Trying to fill up my tool belt for the next chuck of curly maple I have staring at me...

Here are some photos.. you can barely see the small void right above where the cable comes out.



Steve Schlumpf
08-17-2012, 8:07 AM
Luke - everyone will do things differently - but I use polyurethane as a final finish and would just use that to fill in the small voids. If you use CA - which will work - then chances are you will have to sand everything flush so that the CA blends in. If you apply a few coats of your finish to build up some thickness, then wet sand using that same finish - you will accomplish the same end result and blend in the small voids such that they will not be visible. Just one option.

Prashun Patel
08-17-2012, 9:14 AM
I can't see the voids yr speaking of. If they are indeed just from the very small pores of the maple, then I'd just apply a couple more coats of shellac. If you sand back aggressively (320-400) between shellac coats, you can achieve a glass smooth, pore filled finish - especially on a closed-ish grain wood like c-maple.

Luke Pighetti
08-17-2012, 9:31 AM
Is this something that hot knifing with shellac would be good for? I think I am going to stick with shellac base coat for a while so I might as well get serious about my finishing now. My intent in using shellac was an intermediate finish between BLO and oil based polyurethane. I'm using Zinnser shellac at the moment and Minwax poly but eventually I will upgrade. They are just so easy to get a hold of when I need it in a pinch.

Matt Lau
08-18-2012, 1:39 AM
I'm not sure if I'd recommend hot knifing with shellac on this one.

Here's a trick (try on scrap first):
Get some shellac on a lint-free fob.
Rub fine pumice into the shellac, use alcohol as solvent until it dissappears into the fob.
Rub the fob on the surface area to void fill.
Wait a couple days for the surface to stabilize. Repeat as needed.

This is a traditional trick that I use for pore filling on my guitars.
