View Full Version : Is no News Good News?

Carl Eyman
04-11-2005, 3:01 PM
We haven't seen any report on how the New Hampshire members did with their all star seminar. How about a little well deserved gloating.

Roger Myers
04-11-2005, 3:33 PM
:):) Well Carl, since you asked.........

Perfect weather!!
13 of the very best in the business presenting!
Attendance was just about the perfect number (somewhere around 225 people, although we never did get everybody to stand still long enough...employed a statistically based model where we counted the number of feet and divided by 2 :) )
Presentations were excellent....and all were well attended and seemed to be balanced..that is to say room enough for everyone in every presentation!
Tough part was people had to make choices :) although we videoed all presentations and people will be able to buy DVD's of their favorites or ones they missed.
In all my floating about, I never did get to see a complete one, so I will need the DVD's.
I have heard only positive comments from our members and a big hat's off to all our volunteers...

To satisfy the pic police, a few of my poorly made pics will follow....our newsletter editor took the really good pics:)

Roger...who is still smiling from a GREAT DAY!!

Roger Myers
04-11-2005, 3:44 PM
here are a few quick pics of some of saturdays activities...
for those wondering what Carl was referring to, we had a free symposium open to all the Northeast Guilds/clubs...

Presenters included.....
Phil Lowe - complex joinery
Alan Breed - hand cut dovetails
Tom McLaughlin - chair joinery
Will Neptune - traditional carcase joinery
Paul Ruhlmann - rustic joinery
Brian Sargent - joinery in nontraditional materials
Terry Moore - drawer construction
David Lamb - curved surface joinery
Dan Faia - through tenon joinery
Matt Wajda - machine mortise and tenon
Bob LaCivita - fixtures for multiples
Jim Blauvelt - Japanese joinery
Christian Becksvoort - sliding tapered dovetails

Roger Myers
04-11-2005, 3:47 PM
SMC's own Martin Shupe who astonished the crowd by announcing he was there from Texas.
Other attendees, from Mass., Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island...and more....

How about that plane that Jim Blauvelt is holding in the picture...something like a 3"wide continuous .003" shaving well over six feet long came off that baby....


Martin Shupe
04-11-2005, 4:21 PM
Roger and Dave,

Thank you so much for having me. It was a wonderful event. I was going to post my pics tomorrow, as I am still at work. If anyone lives close enough to make it to a NH Woodworker's Guild event, by all means, go, you won't be disappointed! I had a fantastic time!!

Dave Anderson NH
04-12-2005, 9:40 AM
I too thoroughly enjoyed our Joinery Symposium. In fact, I slacked off considerably and didn't even bother to take my camera with me.:D As Roger said, it was really hard to decide which of the 3 out of 13 presentations to attend. Fortunately with our taping of the events, I'll be able to go to our DVD library and watch those I missed. It was also great to get to meet Martin Shupe.

Truly a great day, and one which passed all too quickly.

Tom Scott
04-15-2005, 12:38 AM
Me thinks you should get Beckvoort a little taller bench next time. My back hurts just looking at the picture of him.


Marc Hills
04-15-2005, 9:38 AM
Sorry I missed that. The photo of the mustached gentleman (Jim Blauvelt?) just below the once with the lathe makes me want to paraphrase Crocodile Dundee:

"Plane? Nah, that's not a plane."

"Now thy'sa PLANE!"

Roger Myers
04-17-2005, 2:35 PM
Tom - That was Chris's comment as well :) but you do the best you can .....

Marc - That certainly was quite the plane..Jim says it takes about an hour to tweak it before using...but when you see the shaving produced, it apparently is worth it...