View Full Version : Distilled Water as a thinner for Aqualente

Sam Murdoch
08-15-2012, 6:04 PM
I have been told by an Ml Campbell rep that a "very good flow enhancer" for Aqualente finishes is a 5% solution of 1 part dry gas to 1 part distilled or bottled water. I am trusting that he is correct.

My question to you guys is - Does the condensate coming out of my dehumidifier qualify as distilled water for this purpose?
This is water that is produced over 4 to 6 hours and is normally thrown out. It is NOT standing water from last week or even yesterday. Looks crystal clear. Should I boil it just to add an extra level of purifying or do you think it is good to use as is? Otherwise should I just buy some bottled water? I'm not trying to be cheap, just practical.

Thanks for chiming in.

While I'm asking - is all dry gas created equal? Is HEET a real dry gas?

ben searight
08-15-2012, 7:09 PM
I would just go buy a gallon of distilled water at the grocery store. It only costs about a buck and it sounds like it would go a long way. If you used the stuff from your dehumidifier, I would worry about it being contaminated with crud from the evaporator coil. Boiling itself would not purify it. You would have to boil it and condense the steam to purify it. Seems like a lot of trouble. As far as the dry gas is concerned, I have no idea.

Larry Edgerton
08-15-2012, 9:22 PM
Sam, not familiar with the product that you are using but....

I use a water base reducer in all my finishes that I need to thin to spray. Sounds goofy but there is such a thing. It allows you to thin without problems. I started getting it from a friend of mine that owned Aqua-Coat, but the last case I bought from a paint store locally once I forced them to look it up [No Clue?]. The new stuff is from XIM I think. I use it in both WB clears and paints.

May not apply, but I thought you may want to try it.

Dry gas is alcohol.


Sam Murdoch
08-15-2012, 10:49 PM
Thanks guys for your comments. I'm willing to work with the dry gas/water solution because I can do it right now. Otherwise I need to wait 2 days - meaning until Monday or Tuesday - to get other supplies. Ain't no paint stores anywhere near by. The ML Campbell rep was gung ho for using this solution. Just hoping for a qualifier as to the appropriate use of my condensate. He said bottled water or the distilled but then I ask how is my well water less pure than bottled water? How fussy do I need to be? Like I wrote - the condensate is maybe 4 hours old and looks very clear. I've been using this dehumidifier all summer. It is likely running very clean. Worth a try?

Scott Holmes
08-16-2012, 12:22 AM

Many products specify distilled water... I think that keeps them safe from any complaints and/or contaminants.

I have a well on my property; I use the well water (treated) for everything; dye, thinner in water-borne, clean-up. etc.. I've never had an issue; that doesn't mean it's right or that you won't have trouble. You might want to try it out and see what happens.

I suspect it will be OK.

The alcohol absorbs the water. Maybe Sheldon can chime in and tell us what's really going on with this mix.

Rich Engelhardt
08-16-2012, 7:30 AM
Aqualente says use distilled water so I believe that's what I'd go with.
I agree w/Scott that it's a way of minimizing any variables.
It's impossible to know exacly what minerals are in water - other than distilled.

OTOH, did the rep say bottled water also?
If he did, then I'd probably take a shot at using the water from the dehumidifier.
That water should have very few minerals in it - if any at all.

Sam Murdoch
08-16-2012, 9:07 AM
Yes Rich the rep said "or bottled water - like Poland Springs". Probably more filtered than my own well water which is only filtered through a Britta type.
I think I'll give the condensate a try and see what develops. :rolleyes: Thanks for the replies.