View Full Version : Paranormal switch activity or coincidence??

Tim Rinehart
08-13-2012, 1:58 PM
Ok...I'm working on a green piece of wood making a bowl this weekend and I have a remote switch from PM for my 3520, the little red/yellow remote units. I notice the wood is starting to move a bit...so gotta finish soon. I stopped the lathe to check the piece and then restart...and the lathe won't start!!:confused:

I tried cycling all power and then when that didn't work, killed power and opened the remote switch, suspecting it first. Bingo:D. In hindsight, I could easily have been able to check the spare set of contacts on the back where the two wires from the lathe plug in, but decided to see if I could open the contacts up and clean them anyway. After all, if the one set went...the other wasn't far even it did work temporarily. The switch pops out of the faceplate, and then has some very easy to move prongs that allow opening the switch up. Pieces of copper holding the contact immediately fall out, but it's a no-brainer on putting back together to line up the contacts and such. Really, anyone would figure it out, litterally just 2 identical contact bars is all that comes loose easily. The contacts had some dust and gunk in them, and after cleaning and reassembling in about 5 minutes...back in action.:cool:

Ok...same bowl, about a half hour later....
I have a dust collector that is set into a corner of my shop with wall panels around it for noise deadening, a few screws holding covers in place, etc...and a remote PSI dust collector starter that has been flawless for 3 years, which is good, as it takes some getting to access the plug on the dust collector or it's switch. I pushed the button to start the DC and nothing:(. Checked power of battery...good.
It took about 10 minutes to get to the 'receiver' end of the unit and re-performed the instructions on it for re-establishing the connection between the receiver and the transmitter (the remote part). Voila!:D

Just about as goofy a day as I could imagine...ok, I guess had the lights gone out over the lathe...that would spell some kind of paranormal activity. :eek: For now...I'll just consider it an odd coincidence!

David DeCristoforo
08-13-2012, 2:47 PM
Personally, I do not believe in "coincidence". But I do believe in "paranormal" so I'm going with that...

Bill Hensley
08-13-2012, 3:09 PM
Don't overlook the possibility of sun spot activity...

Harry Robinette
08-13-2012, 5:47 PM
David and Bill are both right but you really want to watch out for Paranormal Sun Spots.

Jim Underwood
08-13-2012, 8:05 PM
I vote for paranormal micro-dust activity...

charlie knighton
08-13-2012, 8:58 PM
meanwhile the turning keeps moving, i hate that

Nate Davey
08-13-2012, 9:07 PM
I'm think wood nanopowders

Rick Markham
08-14-2012, 4:26 AM
I don't know what I believe... but I know you ain't touching my 'lectrical gadgetry. :eek::p:D

Pat Scott
08-14-2012, 10:14 AM
Your shop must be over Indian burial ground.

Tim Rinehart
10-02-2012, 5:21 PM
I was reading the thread from mreza Salav on "How much is a new Powermatic 4224A worth?" and it reminded me that I had this remote switch go out on me in August and again just the other day (less than 2 months later).
When I originally cleaned it out, I concentrated on the contacts, but when I took it back apart recently, I realized that the pivot points are another source of breakdown in the circuit. So....I gave them a good cleaning and light sanding/scraping and hopefully will get a good year out of it before needing to take apart again. Unless Powermatic has redesigned this switch...no reason to mess with returning it or installing new one when cleaning the switch takes less than 5 - 10 minutes. I'll try to get some pics if folks are interested in this. Not sure how many actually have this switch from PM.

Ted Calver
10-02-2012, 9:25 PM
Re the remote switch. I had the same trouble with the remote on my 4224 many years ago. Got a new one from PM and it soon failed also. Someone on another site had the same trouble and suggested taking the remote apart and thoroughly cleaning. It's a bit tricky but not too difficult. After cleaning I put the switch into a sealed zip lock bag where it is accessible, but dust free. Haven't had any trouble since.

Russell Eaton
10-03-2012, 10:25 AM
Tim, I would like to see a pic. when you get a chance.