View Full Version : My Creeker Visit with Steve Schlumpf

Doug W Swanson
08-12-2012, 11:47 PM
Hey all,

I just got back from a vacation through Door County, Wisconsin and the U.P. of Michigan and thought I would post about my visit with Steve Schlumpf. I had met Steve last year at the symposium so I wanted to make sure to stop by his house since we would be driving through Harvey, MI on our trip home. I knew it was going to be quick visit since my family was with me but it was still enjoyable. Steve was a gracious host and I sure wish I could have spent more time with him. I got the shop tour and was really impressed with how clean it was. Everyone gives Steve guff about the striped carpet in his shop but I couldn't find any saw dust any where. I wish my shop were this neat! I also got to check out Steve's American Beauty and that is one nice piece of machinery. This lathe certainly lives up to it's name!


Steve then showed me his stash of completed projects. Even though I have seen pictures of some of them, seeing them in person makes one realize how limiting pictures can be. The colors, grains, curl, etc really stand out much better in person. I also like that each hollow form had a different feel to it. Some were paper thin while others had some weight to them. Each one was so unique and beautiful that I couldn't pick a favorite!


There was also a shelf full of bowls. Each one was unique and had character. Some had a simple edge treatment while some had 'character'.

About this time in the 'tour', my kids started to get antsy. I guess it was time to go. The rest of our trip did have some adventure, though. A dead truck battery and a slow leak in my truck tire made it a 'fun' drive home to Minnesota.

Maybe next trip I'll have more time so Steve can show me how he does his hollow forms!

Thanks again for the hospitality, Steve! You are welcome at my house any time (just give me a little warning so I can clean my shop:D).

Alan Trout
08-13-2012, 12:30 AM
Looks like a fun visit. I can only wish that my shop is always that clean,


Roger Chandler
08-13-2012, 6:39 AM
yep.........Steve is not one of the shop police........he just leads by example! I like the clean............I just have not wrapped my mind around the carpet as of yet. One may have to see it in person to really appreciate its functionality. Nice curtain enclosure as well, and I see the ceiling hook for Steve's gambrel heavy blank installation apparatus.

Creeker visits are a good thing!

Greg Just
08-13-2012, 6:59 AM
Sounds like a great visit. I too was lucky enough to meet Steve last summer in St. Paul and enjoyed the conversation. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Tim Rinehart
08-13-2012, 8:36 AM
Sounds like a nice, but short visit Doug.
Don't worry about that sawdust thing, I suspect he does all his turning on an old paint/epoxy/splattered lathe in a secret room and only brings pieces out for pics on that AB! Clever man that Steve is...a bit more time and you may have unfolded his secrets!;)

Doug W Swanson
08-13-2012, 10:17 AM
Sounds like a nice, but short visit Doug.
Don't worry about that sawdust thing, I suspect he does all his turning on an old paint/epoxy/splattered lathe in a secret room and only brings pieces out for pics on that AB! Clever man that Steve is...a bit more time and you may have unfolded his secrets!;)

I was actually thinking the same thing. I even looked for a secret passage but found nothing....

Even the table saw didn't have a speck of dust on it. The top looked like a mirror....

Bernie Weishapl
08-13-2012, 11:15 AM
Looks like a great visit to me. Creeker visits are the best.

Steve Schlumpf
08-13-2012, 1:42 PM
Doug - sure had fun with our visit! Sorry to hear about the challenges getting back home - but at least you made it there safely!

Hope the next time you get out this way, you can spend a little time and we can do some turning!

Thanks again for all the wood! I plan to start turning it this week!!

Ken Fitzgerald
08-13-2012, 1:42 PM
Congratulations Doug! Looks like a great visit.

charlie knighton
08-13-2012, 9:07 PM
good visit Doug, i had not noticed the carpet before, amazing, and its clean, i have trouble keeping the curlies off the living room carpet much less the shop

Mike Cruz
08-14-2012, 8:36 AM
Great time, I'm sure. Not sure that I'll ever be in that neck of the woods, but would love to make that visit, too.

Either one of you is very tall, or one of you is very short!

Rick Markham
08-14-2012, 7:02 PM
I'd make a short joke... but then I would be laughing at myself... My guess is Steve is like me and probably doesn't worry much about bumping his head on things.

Looks like a good time to me, what a nice collection Steve has produced.

Jeff Fagen
08-15-2012, 12:13 AM
Looks like a fun visit,it's been a while since meeting you both in St Paul :)

Kathy Marshall
08-15-2012, 12:29 AM
Looks like a great visit! Poor Steve would probably have a heart attack if he ever visited my shop and saw the mess I turn in!

Rick Markham
08-15-2012, 7:31 AM
Kathy, with as prolific a turner as you are I'm not sure there is any hope for you. That in itself, is a beautiful mess in my opinion!

Steve Schlumpf
08-15-2012, 10:00 PM
Mike - I have never been the subject of short jokes before (I'm 5' 10") but when standing next to Doug... well, let's just say he is taller. :D

Mike Cruz
08-20-2012, 8:43 PM

Doug W Swanson
08-21-2012, 1:50 PM
We could just say it was an optical illusion but I am about 6'5" tall.

Mike Cruz
08-21-2012, 2:03 PM
Well, Doug, your (and Steve's) posts explain it all!

Rick Markham
08-21-2012, 2:40 PM
I will have to remember if I ever get a picture taken with Doug to stand on the ways of my lathe. I'm only 5'7". It's ok though I have a Napoleon complex to compensate :D