View Full Version : species help?

Jim Oakley
08-07-2012, 9:22 PM
I'm realtively new to turning, and brand new to this forum...
I recently got a couple pieces of wood that suffered from "chainsaw disease" outside of philadelphia... but I don't know what species it is.
Can anybody lend some expertise?
They're destined to be bowls...


Bill Hensley
08-08-2012, 7:25 AM
First glance I thought pine, but no. Otherwise I have no clue, nothing like it in my area. Wish I could be more helpful.

If you get bored you can go here http://ohiodnr.com/tabid/5361/Default.aspx and poke around. Good luck!

John Coloccia
08-08-2012, 7:44 AM
Apple, perhaps?

Jim Oakley
08-08-2012, 10:12 AM
Bill, Def not pine.. much harder than that...
John, good call... i think you're right.
i'll do some more googling around to verify.

Don Orr
08-08-2012, 11:47 AM
I have an ornamental Birch (possibly Russian) in my yard that looks just like that bark. Apple usually has distinctly dark heartwood and light sapwood. So many possibilties-hard to tell without leaves.

Reed Gray
08-08-2012, 12:47 PM
Hmm, not apple for sure. The bark is wrong. I have never seen birch with bark like that. The bark is very distinctive, and if you could find an arborist, they might be able to identify it from that. My first thought was shag bark hickory, but there is almost none of that out here, so I don't really know.

robo hippy

Don Orr
08-08-2012, 2:01 PM
Robo-the tree I mentioned is quite old and the lower bark looks just like the photos posted. The younger upper branches are very typically birch barked. I've not seen birches like this before either. It was some kind of ornamental that my wife and her 1st husband planted about 40 years ago.