View Full Version : groz vice???

Lewis Ehrhardt
08-05-2012, 10:11 PM
On Rough Cut this past week Tommy was getting some advice on how to cut a claw foot. The guy on the show was using a long vice made by groz. Anyone know what kind of vice that was? Name? etc. Thanks Lewis

Peter Kelly
08-06-2012, 12:47 AM

Lewis Ehrhardt
08-06-2012, 10:54 AM
Peter, didn't see the vice I was talking about on the site you gave. This vice was mounted on a heavy board, then, mounted on his bench top. It appeared to be about 20-25 inches long, with mounts.

Carl Beckett
08-06-2012, 11:00 AM
A moxon vice?


Brett Robson
08-06-2012, 11:23 AM
As I recall, it was just a bar clamp which he had mounted to a piece of plywood with another vertical piece attached below to allow it to be clamped at various angles in the vise.

Lewis Ehrhardt
08-07-2012, 2:44 PM
Carl, thanks but that's not the one I saw.
Brett, as I recall, I don't think it was a bar clamp. What I did see was Groz made in India on the side toward the part he was tightening. The dimension of the body looked to be about 1-inch wide by 1-1/2 by about 30 inches long. It had holes along the body apparently to lighten it up. The body had mounting blocks on each it, and the clamping part as well as I remember was about 2 x4. He had it mounted to what looked like a two by six, then to his bench top. I have a small shop and this set-up would be helpful to me, since I don't have room for a bench.

I will probably add a bench top of sorts to my table saw in the near future. It was Season 1, episode 11, but I can't find it on the net, the guy was demonstrating to Tommy how he cut a bear and claw.

Peter Kelly
08-07-2012, 4:58 PM
I think if it's not here, they maybe don't make it anymore. http://www.groz-tools.com/index.cfm?md=Content&sd=SubCategory&CategoryID=12&SubCategoryID=31

Lewis Ehrhardt
08-07-2012, 9:58 PM
Thanks Peter, found it! It's called a T-Bar Clamp, it can be portable or permanently mounted. So, Brett, you were right too. Thanks for the help. l