View Full Version : Maximum time between coats on oil/varnish wipe on blend?

David Kuzdrall
08-05-2012, 2:24 PM
I am getting ready to finish my dresser with a slightly longer oil version of the BLO, alkyd & mineral spirits mixed in equal parts. I will likely have several days between coats due to my work schedule but I wanted to check if that may cause an issue with adhesion vs. only 24-hours between coats due to the extra curing that will occur.

Assuming I lighty sand between coats am I likely to have any issues with the extended time between coats?


Howard Acheson
08-05-2012, 8:56 PM
What you have mixed up is an oil/varnish mixture sometimes known as Danish Oil. The application process is to apply, let set for 15-20 minutes and then wipe off the excess. Let it dry overnight and do it again. Then let fully dry for 5 days or so before using. Normally sanding is not performed between coats.

If you can not apply the second coat within close to 24 hours, apply the coat and then use 400 grit W&D paper and sand lightly by hand in the direction of the grain. The sanding will open up the pores that will have been sealed by the hardened prior coat. Wipe off the excess wiping in the direction of the grain. Then let everything dry for 5 days or so.

David Kuzdrall
08-07-2012, 6:10 AM
Thx Howie!

Prashun Patel
08-07-2012, 9:07 AM
David, where people get into trouble with this is the 'wipe off the excess' part. Don't leave it wet. You don't have to buff it to bone dry, but you want the surface to look 'polished' at the end of each application. The first few coats will absorb in and it will look matte after some time. When yr surface retains that polished, barely slick look and the sheen is even, you can stop.