View Full Version : Contact Info for WMH/Jet

J. Greg Jones
07-30-2012, 3:37 PM
A local organization wants to make a request to WMH/Jet for a donation of a lathe for an ongoing community education program, and they contacted me to see if I knew how to present their request. Does anyone here have any experience doing this to recommend a specific person and/or office of WMH/Jet that they should contact?

Steve Busey
07-31-2012, 9:07 AM
Talk to Nick Cook, he should be able to put you in touch with someone. nickcookwoodturner dot com

J. Greg Jones
07-31-2012, 2:33 PM
Thanks, Nick is probably the best option. He is actually familiar with the organization wanting to make the request, so that's a plus.

Ronald Campbell
07-31-2012, 8:19 PM
As President of the Grand River Woodturners Guild we too are looking for lathes. We would like the Jet 16 42. Where do I find Nick Cook. We are ready to buy or take what ever we can get. We need a lathe.