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John Miliunas
05-01-2003, 8:48 PM
They say the three sure signs of growing old are: 1) Your eyesight starts to go. 2) Your memory goes.
3) It's...It's...It's...Oh drat. I forget the third thing. :confused:

Seriously, it's strange some of the weird things that we do remember. I was out in the shed with LOML this afternoon, getting stuff sorted for the annual town "garbage day". (Lots of roll-away dumpsters!) We were going through old boxes when she hands me this small combination lock. She says, "Here. Maybe you could use this. IF you can remember the combination," she said chuckling. That lock was a small one, which I used back in my downhill skiing days. We would lock up our gear on the racks outside the lodge in between runs. Well, I took the lock and shortly thereafter, returned it to her...OPEN! Mind you now, it's been the better part of 26 years since I've used that thing! Had she been walking, she'd have stepped on her jaw! :D

Just thought it kind of strange enough to share. Now...Where in the Hell did I put my glasses....?! :cool:

Jim Becker
05-01-2003, 10:07 PM
Ya know, John...it's the short-term memory that goes first. Trust me I know...or at least I did when I started the sentence. :D

Howard Barlow
05-01-2003, 10:10 PM
John, it's kinda like being ADD. You know, when you start a convers... y'all want hotdogs for supper?

Terry Hatfield
05-01-2003, 10:18 PM

That's what I do. The crap that nobody cares about, stuff that doesn't matter in the least I can remember just fine. It's the important stuff that I have no clue about.:D

Oh well I guess....like my mom says "getting older ain't so bad, given the alternative" :eek:


Dale Thompson
05-01-2003, 10:40 PM
I can't remember if I put sugar in my tea after fifteen seconds of heating it in the microwave. I can't remember if I put a teabag in the cup after twenty seconds. I can't remember putting a cup of something in the microwave after thirty seconds.

I can't remember why I got out of bed this morning , assuming that it's morning?? :confused:

Dale T.

Ken Salisbury
05-02-2003, 12:25 AM
Just a few Sundays ago (can't remember how many) I hid my Easter eggs before going to church. That afternoon I could only find half of them.

Kirk (KC) Constable
05-02-2003, 7:40 AM
I remember phone numbers. I can tell you every phone number I've ever had, including growing up. I remember the numbers of friends I haven't called in 20 years...office numbers...etc. Area codes give me trouble since there's so many new ones nowadays...


Jason Roehl
05-02-2003, 7:44 AM
Hmmm...now what was I posting a reply to?

Lee Schierer
05-02-2003, 7:50 AM
Sounds like you all are suffering from CRS (Can't remember stuff).

I also suffer from herefor disease. I'll be working in the house and go to the shop to get a tool. When I get to the shop I can't remember what I'm there for so I go back to where I started and remember the tool I needed in the first place, only to forget again once I get to the shop.

Jim Becker
05-02-2003, 8:16 AM
Originally posted by Kirk (KC) Constable
I remember phone numbers. I can tell you every phone number I've ever had, including growing up. I remember the numbers of friends I haven't called in 20 years...office numbers...etc. Area codes give me trouble since there's so many new ones nowadays...KC

That's interesting because that's the one detail I do remember from being a young child...the phone number..."OR6-3538". Everything else is a hazy memory of mostly places.

Gary Bindel
05-02-2003, 9:36 AM
On the six hour drive home from visiting our son last weekend, my wife suggested we play "TV trivia". Each takes a turn asking the other a question regarding some detail about a TV show. Most of the questions that were asked were about shows from our youth. I was born in 52, my wife in 49. Couldn't remember any details from any of the current shows.;)

Dave Arbuckle
05-02-2003, 9:56 AM
Tagging on to KC and Jim, I can remember my phone number as a kid, 626-0484. Area code has changed at least once since then.

However, I have to think hard to remember my current phone number, which has more of a pattern, should be easier to remember. And I'm hopeless on my ZIP Code, but Montclair, California is 91763...

Prematurely senile ;)

Bill Roland
05-02-2003, 10:12 AM
I was going to reply to this but I forgot what I ...........

Tom Sweeney
05-02-2003, 10:14 AM
. . .:confused: :rolleyes: :( :mad:

I'm sorry what were we talking about? ;)

BTW - in my case my MIL (who was a nurse for alzhiemer's patients) says I have half-zhiemers because I'm just too young to have all-zheimers

Dave Anderson
05-02-2003, 7:31 PM
I'm glad that I'm not alone in my forgetfullness.:confused:

Lee - I do the same thing all the time. I'll be in the Remodel Warehouse (shop) think of something I need in the house but by the time I get there I have no clue why I walked in there.

My latest disfunction is that I can't remember if I closed the roll-up door to the garage/shop/warehouse. I'll stand there, watch the thing close - <b>hear</b> it close, shut and lock the passage door, take a few steps and ask myself "did you close the door, dummy?" walk back, unlock the door and take another look...

This has been going on now for longer than I can remember - which based on that story is about 5 seconds. :mad:

No, Arbuckle, I <b>DO NOT</b> think it has <u>anything</u> to do with the '60's... :p

Jim Becker
05-02-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Dave Anderson
My latest disfunction is that I can't remember if I closed the roll-up door to the garage/shop/warehouse. I'll stand there, watch the thing close - <b>hear</b> it close, shut and lock the passage door, take a few steps and ask myself "did you close the door, dummy?" walk back, unlock the door and take another look...

"You are not alone"... :D

Curt Harms
05-03-2003, 2:36 AM
Originally posted by Lee Schierer
Sounds like you all are suffering from CRS (Can't remember stuff).

I also suffer from herefor disease. I'll be working in the house and go to the shop to get a tool. When I get to the shop I can't remember what I'm there for so I go back to where I started and remember the tool I needed in the first place, only to forget again once I get to the shop.

Herefor is a disease? I thought it was a normal condition:p


David Rose
05-03-2003, 8:13 PM
fluoride! That rat poison kills memory cells, doncha know? You "young squirts" that can't remember... (Not Ken of course. He is really old). Wait till you turn 55. Things REALLY start going then including which keys you just hit.

David, who is retyping almost every keystroke nowdays...

Howard Barlow
05-03-2003, 11:04 PM
At least I'm not as bad as the guy walking along, then turns his back to the wind to light his cigarette. After lighting, he continues on in the direction he is facing, the direction he was coming from. Oh well...

Dan Bussiere
05-09-2003, 10:25 AM
I used to use my watch to tell time. Now I increasingly can't remember what day or date it is without my watch. How did we get along before computers, digital watches, etc.