View Full Version : Punky wood repair?

kevin nee
07-29-2012, 6:43 PM
A question for the folks that make a solution out of white glue and water.
What is the mixture of glue to water? What do you suggest for drying time?
Thanks in advance, Kevin

David DeCristoforo
07-29-2012, 7:13 PM
Most of the "recipes" call for equal parts white glue and water. I have tried this and it "kinda" works. If the punky area is "open" enough, sufficient glue can be absorbed to stiffen up the wood and help hold it together. But it's not anything like vacuum stabilizing with resin. After soaking the roughed out piece for a 24 hrs I let it dry for another 24. After that, what you see is what you get. Some devotees of this process mention good success with cracks closing and staying tight and even becoming unnoticeable. Not my experience!

Fred Belknap
07-29-2012, 10:19 PM
Did that one time. I must of done something wrong as it took at least a week to dry. It was a hickory HF. It sold.