View Full Version : Power Sanders

Bob Yarbrough
04-09-2005, 10:12 AM
I'm starting to research a stationary sander (my first) for a small (16x24) shop. I always seem to see the disc / belt combo. I'm looking for something to smooth edges of blanket chests, and the inside of curves. Would a small edge sander work in this capacity? Any suggestions?

Richard Wolf
04-09-2005, 3:30 PM
Bob, I have two sanders, both Grizzly. The 6 X 80 belt sander and the large ossilating spindle sander. I think they may now have a combo of the two. They both work great and I really like the oss for inside curves.
I never could see alot of value in the 12" disc sanders.


Bob Yarbrough
04-09-2005, 10:07 PM
I was wondering if their edge sander would work? Can the end of the sander be exposed for curves?

Kirk (KC) Constable
04-10-2005, 12:18 AM
Yes, you can use the end for inside curves...but the little table doesn't give much support, especially on large pieces. Wouldn't be too hard to build a big table around the whole sander, though. Whether or not you use the end, you'll be 'happier enough' using it for straight edges to justify the purchase.