View Full Version : Other Than Bowls...

Lee Koepke
07-26-2012, 7:37 PM
I believe it was Michelle Rich that asked awhile back about 'other things we turn' .... well a couple of weeks ago I was trying to clean my shop and had all these cutting board 'scraps', so I sat there and glued up pieces until I ended up with about a 3" square x 24" long. Then I tossed it on the lathe and made my first rolling pin. I need to work on sanding the end grain part better next time :(

Honestly, I did this random without any template or forethought, but what the heck, it looks pretty good!!

Comments, critiques, and tips to improve are always welcome.


Tim Leiter
07-26-2012, 9:02 PM
That looks very good to me. That's one of the things on my "to do" list......someday.

Roger Chandler
07-26-2012, 9:42 PM
Looks good to me ........pretty good way to utilize some wood that would otherwise just collect dust. One thing however..........when you give that to your wife...........you might be thinking biscuits..........she is probably thinking.........hummm...........new husband management tool! :eek::D

Nice rolling pen!

Michelle Rich
07-27-2012, 6:32 AM
Thanks for using my name in a polite way!!! :-) thanks too for showing us other turned items. Using leftover wood & making a useful item gets you high marks from me. As a "winged" first, I think it's super! Thanks for posting this