View Full Version : First Completed NE

Doug Herzberg
07-17-2012, 3:03 PM
Mostly, when I've tried a NE bowl, I've knocked off some of the bark with a stupid move, but occasionally I manage to mess it up some other way. This is the first one I've been able to complete. It's from a branch crotch of a neighbor's tree that grows out over the roof of a rental house. I don't know what the wood is and will appreciate any help in that department. I think it would be funny if it turns out to be yellow mulberry after I told Roger C. it doesn't grow around here.

Unknown, WTF, 4" x 3" x 1/4". C&C appreciated.


Roger Chandler
07-17-2012, 4:40 PM
Does not look like yellow mulberry to me.........not at all like what I have of mulberry on hand........however, mine has very little sapwood on it, so ............. Nice form Doug.......looks like one of those old time black kettles in shape........interesting day on smc with all your postings of these turnings......looks like you are on a roll!

Doug Herzberg
07-17-2012, 4:55 PM
interesting day on smc with all your postings of these turnings......looks like you are on a roll!

I guess everyone has outdoor projects. I haven't been online much in awhile, but when I have been, the number viewing was pretty small. I've only had time to watch part of your video - nice to put a face and voice with the name.

Jim Burr
07-17-2012, 6:00 PM
That is a tough form to hook up Doug...Not my favorite form, but so what. You did some good work on keeping the curve going and saving the bark! Your finish is envious!!

Dale Cruea
07-17-2012, 6:01 PM
I am not a turner but love to follow most of the posts and pictures. Great work, I wish I could done 1/2 as good.
I have 2 questions,
What does WTF and NE mean?
Keep up the great work very nice to look at and wish it was me doing it.

Chris Studley
07-17-2012, 8:59 PM
Hi Dale, I feel for you as far as the acronyms go, took me a while....

Wtf: Wood turner's finish
NE: Natural Edge
HF: Hollow form

There are more, I think if you search for it there is a thread dedicated to these acronyms...

Dennis Ford
07-17-2012, 9:57 PM
I looks like mulberry to me but I don't know the differences between varieties of mulberry.