View Full Version : Handwheel Readouts?

Mike Heidrick
07-14-2012, 12:04 AM

Where do you get devices like you see below the handwheels on the TS29? How do you buy them - by thread or size or what? What are they called?

Van Huskey
07-14-2012, 12:21 AM
Looks like what I would call a rotating shaft counter, but I have never seen direct reading ones, though these don't look like they do either. The ones I have seen count tenths of a revolution but I haven't seen ones that look like they would be an easy retrofit for this application, but you may be able to find something.

Mike Heidrick
07-14-2012, 12:22 AM
remote reading would be even better. Any links Van?

Van Huskey
07-14-2012, 12:26 AM
remote reading would be even better. Any links Van?

No, I meant direct reading as in the readout displays inches or mm etc. I don't have any links but bet you could see what I was talking about at Mcmaster Carr etc just search rotating shaft counter. It may get you a start but I haven't seen them with threads just shafts...

Mike Heidrick
07-14-2012, 12:46 AM
I found Siko - Awesome stuff. They make handwheels too - I wonder if I can retrofit my T1002S!

Van Huskey
07-14-2012, 1:52 AM
Those look very cool!

Jerry Bruette
07-14-2012, 6:43 PM
We have these on some machines at work. I could look Monday and give you a name and possibly a supplier.

They only read in tenths and full revolutions of the shaft. The thread size and TPI doesn't matter but you'll need a section of straight shaft to mount them on.


Scot wolf
07-14-2012, 7:08 PM
Mike, Search Position Indicators.


I've used Siko's

And made a few of my own

joe milana
07-14-2012, 7:16 PM
I've got one on my shaper, but don't find it all that useful. Soon to be replaced with a pro scale. I believe it reads in 1/100 of an inch. Sounds accurate enough, but for things like setting the height on cope & stick cutters, it's quite inadequate.