View Full Version : Virginia Pine

Scot Roberge
07-12-2012, 11:32 PM
This is a piece turned from a Virginia pine that was downed by a storm. In 2009 I didn't have much wood available (and I didn't know any better) so I did some pine rough outs. I have acually enjoyed this wood - except for the pieces that contain lots of resin that instantly clogs sandpaper. Spent a year in a bag, then a year on my workbench. I filled some "barky" voids around the knot with epoxy/coffee mix. Sealed with two coats of lacquer and then given eight coats of wipe on poly then a coat of paste wax. 7.7 x 2.9". C&C appreciated.

francesco dibari
07-13-2012, 3:47 AM
This is a piece turned from a Virginia pine that was downed by a storm. In 2009 I didn't have much wood available (and I didn't know any better) so I did some pine rough outs. I have acually enjoyed this wood - except for the pieces that contain lots of resin that instantly clogs sandpaper. Spent a year in a bag, then a year on my workbench. I filled some "barky" voids around the knot with epoxy/coffee mix. Sealed with two coats of lacquer and then given eight coats of wipe on poly then a coat of paste wax. 7.7 x 2.9". C&C appreciated.

.... simple and elegant .... well done Scot .. :)

charlie knighton
07-13-2012, 3:55 AM
well done,

n 2009 I didn't have much wood available (and I didn't kno better)

i tried to turn some pine once, never finished it, everybody should try it once, its a nice finished piece

Michelle Rich
07-13-2012, 5:37 AM
pine is very useful wood . I think this turned out very well.

Steve Vaughan
07-13-2012, 6:32 AM
Pine can sure be a bear to turn and finish out, but you've done a great job with this one. Nice.

Steve Schlumpf
07-13-2012, 7:30 AM
Sure like the grain! Bet the shop smelled real good when turning this!

Roger Chandler
07-13-2012, 9:27 AM
In the storm we had two weeks ago, I had a white pine break off halfway up.....[the top landed on the neighbors car! :eek: Thankfully, only a glancing blow with the topmost boughs and no damage! Whew! :D]

Of course, because of the hot weather, the sap was just oozing all over the place........took the entire tree down, cut it up and hauled it off..........the sap was all over my chainsaw, my clothes, my neighbors trailer......I sure would not want that stuff all over my lathe and shop! I had to use mineral spirits to clean up my equipment........it worked well, thankfully.

You did good with this bowl...........congrats on your work!

Scot Roberge
07-14-2012, 11:18 PM
[I had a white pine break off halfway up . . .]

Been there. I had three big ones come down in last year's tornado. Thought about trying to turn some sections where the branches come out symetrically around the trunk - like Norfolk Island Pine. By the time it had been down for a few weeks it was already so punky it was turning to mush. I may do a piece of "yellow" pine now and again, but white pine is so soft I won't attempt using it.

Marc Himes
07-14-2012, 11:46 PM
I have done a few pine pieces and found it difficult to work with the resin. It looks like you did it well. Nice job.

Thomas Canfield
07-15-2012, 9:58 PM
Nicely done. Turning and finishing pine will teach you things that you don't learn with a lot of the other woods, especially sharpening to prevent tear-out and sealing soft grain next to hard grain.

Donny Lawson
07-16-2012, 6:37 AM
Pine turns well if dried right. Looks like yours turned out very well and I like the shape and grain pattern.