View Full Version : High School cross country track signs

Rich Fennessey
07-10-2012, 10:44 PM
I made my initial set of signs for our high school. First here is a picture I used to get feedback on the type of mile marker and arrow signs we would all like. The other picture is my initial trail sign and two different arrows and a mile marker.

I joined two 5 1/2" Azek deck planks together using 1/4" corian strip epoxied into the 1/4" routed groove. The other signs are 1/4" white corian. I'm using the Rockler metal keyhole hangers epoxied in a routed pocket to hang them. I'm planning to mount the corian signs on a 2x2 stake and the big sign will either be put on a tree or 4x4 post. The corian signs were pocketed at a depth of .05 inches which leaves enough room for the keyhole pocket in the back with some meat to spare.

The plan is to make four trail signs, 5 or so mile markers, and maybe 10 arrows. This is a freebie project for the high school and is a good learning project for me.


Joe Pelonio
07-10-2012, 11:10 PM
Nice job! Be sure to keep the pictures for showing potential paying customers!

Mike Null
07-11-2012, 8:03 AM
Very nice work.