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View Full Version : Deep bowl

Deane Allinson
07-10-2012, 9:33 PM
This is a pretty deep and narrow bowl for me with the tools I have. It is 7 1/2" wide x 5 1/2" tall. Mesquite calabash, maybe. I think that there are rules about what is a calabash. I have a couple of hair line cracks. I might even do a couple of butterfly patches if the open up.

Jeff Nicol
07-10-2012, 9:40 PM
Deane, I think that there are many things that have been called a "Calabash" and if you look at some of the large ones made in Hawaii you will see that they look nothing like what most of us call them. Yours has the basic shape, but most I have seen the top edge will taper in a bit more to make the opening a little tighter. It is still a nive piece of wood and you did a fine job of finishing it. So what ever you decide with some butterfly inserts on the cracks they will work well to add some flair and flash to the piece.

Keep on spinning,


Kathy Marshall
07-10-2012, 11:50 PM
That's a great little calabashish bowl Deane!
In my experience, mesquite with the hairline cracks can be very forgiving. I've had great luck with just putting the piece in a plastic bag for a week or so to let the moisture content equalize (at least i assume that's what it's doing), the cracks close up to where I can't even find them even knowing right where to look. If the crack starts to show again, it just goes back in the bag until it closes up again, and repeat as necessary until its dry. If the piece is fairly dry, I just add a very slightly damp paper towel into the bag with it.

robert baccus
07-11-2012, 8:02 AM
Looks like a calabash and pretty. Cathy mentioned fixing hairline cracks--here,s a similar one thats worked well especially on thinner work. mark that crack several places with a pencil--V marks. bag it with a wet papertowel for 2-3 days. if the crack closes you can now find it. spray a light coat of sanding sealer to prevent staining and apply thin CA carefully. As Cathy relates if it closes you cannot find it. good luck Old Forester

Michelle Rich
07-11-2012, 8:32 AM
pretty wood..cute bowl

Thom Sturgill
07-11-2012, 8:34 AM
Apparently, any rounded bottom bowl or vessel could be called a 'calabash' as it means that it looks like it could be cut from a calabash gourd and they vary greatly in shape and size. In wood turnings I have generally seen bowls with a more closed opening refered to as a calabash, but yours looks like a very nice one, and hollowing that deep can be hard to maintain thickness. Good job!

Bernie Weishapl
07-11-2012, 10:06 AM
Really nice bowl Deane. Love the wood.

francesco dibari
07-11-2012, 11:15 AM
This is a pretty deep and narrow bowl for me with the tools I have. It is 7 1/2" wide x 5 1/2" tall. Mesquite calabash, maybe. I think that there are rules about what is a calabash. I have a couple of hair line cracks. I might even do a couple of butterfly patches if the open up.

well done Deane .. simple and elegant .. :) ..