View Full Version : Potential Gloat - I'm in trouble now

Tom Sweeney
05-01-2003, 1:00 PM
One of my real estate friends stopped in my office a little bit ago.
He just bought an old school building at tax sale. he's going to make it into apartments.

Apparantly he won't be needing the lathe that is currently in the building for his tennants because he asked if I wanted it for free :D
He said he knows it works & in describing it it doesn't sound like it would be too large for my shop. He didn't know anything else about it.

I feel the gravitational pull of the Dark Side's death star pulling me in - the force is not strong with me & I may not be able to resist ;)

Since I don't even have the flat part of WW'ing down yet - I am going to stick the lathe in a dark corner of one of my garages until I am satisfied enough with the level of my WW'ing to go off in the round direction. :rolleyes:

I'll let you know what happens.

Steve Clardy
05-01-2003, 2:42 PM
that I would have to let the old Dark Side pull me in on this one Tom. Even if you end up not using it, would make some good trading material. Cheers:D

Jason Roehl
05-01-2003, 5:14 PM
You'll have to use your imagination on this one, Tom, but think back 25 years or so and, in your mind's ear, think of James Earl Jones saying,

Use the lathe, Tom!

Stan Smith
05-02-2003, 2:35 PM
Since the price for the lathe is right, you can afford to get yourself a turning video (try Richard Raffan) and you'll be turning in no time.


David Rose
05-03-2003, 8:28 PM
doesn't mean you have to sucum (sp?). Look at Ken. Do you want to turn out (pun intended) like that??? RESIST FIGHT IT! You can do it! Of course you could turn out worse... I think. :D

Flat is good! Round is...


Jim Becker
05-03-2003, 11:04 PM
A lathe in hand is much better than two in the store... :D

(And a preliminary welcome to the addiction is appropriate for you, too...)